Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 28, 2020

September Has Flown

 I'm very surprised that it's nearly the end of September.  This month has gone by very fast.  

The limelight hydrangea are still beautiful, but almost everything else is done for the year.  I'll go out soon and cut things back and put the garden to bed for the winter.  There is beauty even in a resting garden.

Saturday, I had the itch to get out and poke around an antique store (I blame Cheryl and this post).  I found one thing - 

This book was published in 2000 but it is lovely.  I always say that beauty never goes out of style. This book was so inexpensive (being 20 years old now) but it will bring lots of inspiration.

I took a selfie as I headed out.

I also drove over to Hobby Lobby to buy yarn.  I like having something to work on with my hands.  I'm making a cowl, no surprise there!

Here is my drive home.  This road has spots that have seen many accidents over the years as people try to cross over two lanes going north then two lanes going south.  They've done some work on some turning lanes and merging lanes that should help the situation.

We survived our first week with Sarah away at school, and are learning to live as a family of three.  Kyle was over at friends' home the other evening and so I made BLT's for Tim and I for dinner.  I used half a pound of bacon, and it was the perfect amount for us both.  That was kind of weird. I'm used to cooking for a crowd!

Yesterday after church we had a fun young family over for lunch.  We ordered pizza and our grandgirls and their little boys played all afternoon.  It was a great time.  

Sometimes I'm shocked to find that I am the age of these friends' parents. LOL.  Do you do that?  It proves my theory that we all think we are 25-30 years old for most of our adult lives!  

I hope your weekend was full of good things and rest.  I'm realizing that the political climate in our country can bring on stress, so I'm remembering to turn the ipad off, watch Monty Don on Gardener's World, knit, text with a friend, read, and pray.  Not necessarily in that order!

Three more days until October!


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend. Yes, there is beauty in a resting garden. We still have lots of things in bloom, but tomorrow night it will be swinging awfully close to freezing so the days are coming when it will all be done for another year. How lovely find that old but new book published by Victoria in 2000 - some things are classic right away. I am loving your limelight hydrangea. It makes such wonderful bouquets. Wishing you a pleasant week ahead....Brenda xo

Theresa said...

Sounds perfect to me! Beautiful hydrangeas, poking around in an antique store and a little Hobby Lobby shopping:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

I hope your antique shop outing was as refreshing as ours was!

Oh, I think I agree with your theory about our perceived ages! Yes! (But then you have a grandson who goes off to college and those ages just do not compute . . . yikes!)

I love the pitcher holding your hydrangeas!

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...