Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Welcome Autumn


The morning glory is the only thing in bloom, besides some echinacea hanging on, and my hydrangea, especially limelight.  My Annabelle's are green and pretty battered after the rains we've been getting.

The ten day forecast is for the weather to be in the 70's, with a few days of low 80's.  A nice start to Autumn.  Many years we are still very hot through September!

I know my dear friend Linda at Linda's Life Journal is celebrating today with the playing of Neil Diamond's September Morn and enjoying her home decorated for autumn!

I put away the summer things I had out and will now bring out autumn florals, wreaths, and my ceramic and glass pumpkins.  Maybe not all at once, but I will have it done by mid September.  We'll be headed south to see our daughter and her sweet family, and to drop Sarah off at her bible school.  I'm going to need my favorite season to embrace me when I return.

Our precious friends left yesterday for the next part of their summer travels.  We'll miss them.  It was an excellent week together.

Sarah works four more days, then she'll be off for a week, to hang with friends, do some shopping, and pack her things for school.

Seasons change, so do life seasons.  I've always worked at embracing the changes, and not fighting against them.  In three more years all my children will be adults. I'm delighted in the people they are - loving, kind, hard working. 

Today, I will do some decor changes in the house, do school with Kyle, and enjoy the open doors and windows!

Welcome Autumn! I've been waiting for you!




Estelle's said...

Happy Autumn season Deanna....may it be fun-filled with family and celebrations!

Cheryl said...

Seasons of all kinds . . . always changing. Happy autumn to you! (We've been waiting for this, haven't we?) Sounds like it will be a busy fall for your family!

Vee said...

Lovely, Deanna.

How good that Sarah is not working right up to the end. It will be so good to take that time to be with family and friends and to do the packing. How well I know that life changes forever when the children fledge. ☺️

Maybe I need to find Neil somewhere and play September Morn. It might kick off the mood. Right now, I'm just excited about a hair appointment today. Haven't needed a haircut in over a year. I'm going to get rid of the tufts. Ha!

Happy September๐ŸŒป

Beside a babbling brook... said...

The 70's are welcome, compared to the heat/humidity of not long ago.....

Pretty Autumn Header..


A Whole Lotta Magic said...

Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd days that was my fence, lol!
Not quite ready for Fall yet. All in good time ♥

Theresa said...

No Autumn weather yet here but I will be ready when the Season starts to change. I have some morning glories too:) My hydrangeas are late blooming this year and I still have a few roses popping open. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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