Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 7, 2020

Lovely Weekend, And Now A Prep Week

 Our weekend was lovely and full of home keeping things for me.  The guys mowed here and at our friends' home, then burned all the trash, and some wood.  We watched the grand girlies while their parents had a anniversary dinner at home.  They ordered food from a favorite restaurant then ate at home while watching a movie.  They've been married five years now!

Our church is still meeting outside when the weather permits, and inside when the weather is rainy.  There is room for those who wear a mask, and a place for people to sit who want to be socially distant both indoors and out.  Our church is still recording the services and those who need to stay home, are able to watch the recording of the service.

The weather was lovely over the weekend, and we had doors and windows open.  The flowers on the deck, and a few planted around the deck are happily in bloom still.

We had the opportunity to watch an encore presentation of Sight and Sounds' latest show Queen Esther.  Our church paid to show it!  It is an awesome show, great music, amazing costumes, and sets.  The message of Esther is an appropriate one for the times we are living in.

We are never alone, and God has placed us in the unique places we are in, for such a time as this.  Don't fear, speak truth, God is with you.

Here is a link for you to watch it in your own home! {Esther} 

Now to the prep week part.  Sarah has worked her last day (for now) at Chick-fil-A.  This week is last minute shopping, seeing friends and family, and packing.  We head out next week to see Emma and family for a few days before we go to SC to drop Sarah off at school.  There is excitement and nerves happening right now, so if you think of her send up a prayer for peace.  She's ready and its going to be a good two years.

As it happens, the time we are gone to take Sarah to school, Lindsay will be doing animal care for our neighbors and she will be Watson-sitting for us! Handy timing!  She will stay here at our home, and walk over to care for their many chickens, ducks, horses, and cat.

I hope your weekend was lovely, too.  I believe we must be intentional in our relationships with family, friends, and neighbors.  Let's really care about each other.  With so much turmoil in the world, let's help one another.  There are many who've self isolated and may still need to if they have underlying conditions.  Give them a call or chat with them through texting.  Something to show you are thinking of them, and that they are not alone.


Phoebes World said...

We are blessed to able to worship outside too... and seeing that its California we dont have to worry about adverse weather conditions..
Thank you for the Esther link... I will watch it with a cool drink later this afternoon
The flowers are still lovely..Im trying to think of the name of the purple one.. its so pretty.
Have great week
Phoebe x

Beside a babbling brook... said...

It's lovely to have a great weekend, at this transition time of year.

Best wishes to your daughter, who is going to college.

Our next door "Grand Son" is doing this semester, remote. At home. He tried to do it, from his fraternity house, but with the Wuhan Virus Pandemic Rules, could not continue thus. ~sigh~ Missing out on college experience, this year.

But it is, as it has to be. And he is very conscientious. He does not need in class time, to learn. And he has a loving home, to return to. Amazingly, not all kids in college, do!

Gentle hugs...

Terra said...

Your last paragraph is a good reminder for us to care for others. I have been happily attending church outdoors, all are required to wear masks. But one week recently church did not meet at church since we were caring for 50 evacuees from the fires in our area (feeding them, having them sleep there, etc.). Now we are in a heat wave!

Lorrie said...

I hope you enjoy this week of preparation. There is much uncertainty in the world these days (more than normal, I think) and that always provides us with an opportunity to trust God more. I hope Sarah has a wonderful two years at school.

Theresa said...

Love this post! We really do need to show that we care for one another. I am truly tired of staying in so much. It can get to you after a while. Conversations with loved ones always helps to make these times a little better. Prayers for peace for Sarah and safe travels for ALL! (LOVE your blooms) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

I was surprised to read that Nate and Kay have been married five years already! Happy anniversary to them! Sounds like a pleasant weekend at your place.

Prep week sounds exciting too . . . getting ready for visiting and family time and changes and more changes. Bittersweet. Hard to believe that Kyle will be the only child at home. When we first met, none of your children were married, and we enjoyed dinner with seven of you (and the four of us) gathered around your table. Kyle was little more than a baby! (Actually, he was seven . . . I just looked it up . . . but still little and adorable.)

I like what Lorrie said in the comment above . . . that uncertainty "always provides us with an opportunity to trust God more." I pray that when the world looks at Christ-followers during these difficult times, that they will see people who are caring for others and living lives of quiet confidence in a great God!

Home Keeping

  I think I like this phrase better than 'housekeeper.' Home keeping feels more personal, and not maid or housecleaner feeling. I lo...