This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen!
I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and the need in my heart for connection.
Last week I picked up my friend, Jennifer, and we drove to a coffee place. We drove through, got our coffee and chai, and a treat and then parked somewhere to have a long, private chat. We both needed that connection. That keep up with friendship and sharing deep things.
While we were together she gave me a book she bought for me called "Tea Time Discipleship" by Sally Clarkson. Sally and I are kindred spirits even though we don't know each other in real life.
This book is sparking a renewed desire to gather with a friend, an acquaintance, and younger woman and share a cup of tea, a treat, and some friendship as I believe this is a need many women have. Especially after the nest is empty.
Sometimes I think in order to have tea, I should invite a lot of people, but this is reminding me about the value of one on one time, or just a small group.
Also the hostess doesn't have to provide all the treats, you can ask guests to bring along something to share.
My tea things have not seen much action in several years. They are waiting to be used again. God willing, I will make this a priority this year.