Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July In My Garden

Do you realize it is already July 9th? Wasn't it just the 4th like yesterday? Wow!

I thought I would share my sweet cottage garden with you before it is Autumn!

This is right by my front door. I love the blue ball canning jar. That is Salvia "Victoria Blue" below it, and Purple Coneflower behind it.

Here is a shot of Rachel's coneflower, along with some of my Shasta Daisies, and Lychnis.
In this shot of the other side of the front door, is more coneflower, Rudbekia (Black-Eyed Susan) almost blooming, my strawberry plants, and my pot on the front porch. Something keeps nibbling on my Sweet Potato Vine!

Here is my darling....Hydrangea! If I adjusted the ph balance in the soil, the flowers would be blue, but as I don't have time for that, I enjoy their beauty as they are. Behind it is a very large white Hibiscus, and a plant I don't recall the name of in front.
Along my picket fence is a new Black-Eyed Susan already in bloom, and my rusty birdbath.
This Daylily is interesting. It was supposed to be pink, but has always been a more orange-coral color. In person, this plant's color is much more vivid.

This plant is so unusual. It grows very tall - this one is about 7 feet tall. It has lots of gold flowers ready to bloom, and it is a wonderful cutting flower. Especially in rustic containers.

Here is one of the flowers in partial bloom. The friend who originally gave me this plant said it is a kind of Rudbekia, but I am not sure as the leaves are so very different than a Black-Eyed Susan.

I hope you have enjoyed your stroll in my front garden. It has been lovely sharing it with you!


Tracy said...

What a beautiful garden!

Becky K. said...

Your flowers have matured very nicely. I remember when you were receiving many of those from our friend.
Becky K.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That's the great thing about gardening with periennals - you can share the wealth with your friends!

I have divided and passed many a plant on to others, especially my daisies!

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