Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Catching My Breath

We arrived home Friday afternoon.

We stopped at a favorite restaurant, The Gallery Grille, to eat some lunch, then jumped right back into our normal lives.

I unpacked right away, like I always do unless we are arriving late at night, or in the case of my trip to Scotland, when I arrived home rather jet lagged.

Then Tim headed out to mow our property and Rachel and i headed to get some groceries.  When we got back Tim was weeding the veggie garden and I picked lettuce.

Yesterday was errands and normal life stuff, like a boy haircut, because he was getting shaggy, cooking, and a nice long talk with Emma when she got home from work in the evening.

Today is church and prep for Emma and Rachel's trip to the youth conference - they leave early Monday morning.

I'll be back then with a bit of this and that.  I just know you are getting that on your calendars so you don't forget!  Lol.  In the meantime, I hope your Sunday is wonderfully slow and relaxing.  I pray that your Sunday is a day to fix your eyes on Him.

A week ago we were here, but, Oh, it is so good to be home.


Theresa said...

I put it on my calendar:) I just returned last night from the beach too, unpacked and did laundry... happy to be home:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

It's worth leaving just to get home and realize how wonderful it is. Sounds as if you hit the decks running. Thinking of the girls as they head off to the youth conference and praying that they'll bring a good word home. Praying for you to have a great week and a peaceful week.

Lorrie said...

It's good to go away, but it's always wonderful to come home. Enjoy the re-settling back into your usual routine.

Tea and Friendship

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