Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tea Time: Garden Gate Tea Room

I can't begin to tell you how special this place is.  I have been here many times when visiting my inlaws and have brought my mother here, my daughters, my friends.  

Yesterday, the ladies in our family that are here for our reunion, went together with our Mom/Grammy.  She is going to be 93 in October and has, in the last several months, begun to develop short term memory loss.  We are together here, as an opportunity for all her living children be together with her.  We are thankful for this time.

I should have gotten up and taken these next two photos with the light behind me, but I didn't.  They all look serious don't they?  They were enjoying the Carrot Bisque soup.

 Sarah and Rachel love this tea shop and have been several times.

This space used to be a garage!  But with a lovely mural on the walls and sky blue ceiling draped with miles of tulle, it is a lovely space.

 Our table.

 This is my tea cup.  Not the saucer and tea cup don't go together.  It's not important - I like using the vintage things!

This is a lovely place, and any bad shots are because of my photography.  This is my chicken salad which I photographed after I had begun to eat.  That is an edible orchid on top!  It was so delicious with fresh fruit and two mini muffins.

The owner is closing this shop later this month!  But she is hoping to find a new location, with more outdoor seating space, and more room inside.  The other rooms in this shop are quite small, but so lovely.  If you followed the link yesterday, you can see how delightful the whole place is.

I'm thankful for the time yesterday.  Sharing how the Lord is encouraging us, and enjoying time together.


Stephanie said...

Oh my, what a beautiful place to go with friends and family and it's amazing to think it used to be a garage! It's simply lovely :)

Have a wonderful day!

Lorrie said...

Looks like a wonderful place to get together with your dear ones.

Terra said...

What a lovely place to gather for a meal with your mom and all her children. An edible orchid, wow. Did you say the restaurant is closing? I do hope the owner finds a suitable new location.

Cheryl said...

Oh, that place is gorgeous! How sad to hear that it is closing...I do hope the owner is able to find another place (which she is certain to make beautiful also).

Also beautiful is treasured time spent with loved ones!

Vee said...

I did follow the link and it does look beautiful inside and out. Carrot bisque soup sounds yummy...I do love bisques.

podso said...

It looks like "my" kind of place!

Debbie said...

We used to have a tea room locally, and the girls and I always went there when there was a one day school vacation. I miss it. Ours was lovely, but I think based on the pictures that yours is much more so. I would love to visit there. I would love the multi-generational fellowship in ANY location. I loved the sentence about sharing how the LORD is encouraging you.

Sorry to be so absent of late. I'm in a turnabout season of my life right now, and the turning about is sort of making me dizzy. Prayers from faithful sisters in Christ would be very greatly appreciated.

(Yet through it all, the LORD has continued to encourage me. I'm so grateful for that encouragement.)

Rebecca said...

Honestly, I'm not sure why you apologize about your photography! Your photos make it all seem like a VERY dreamy place! I've never heard of carrot bisque soup. In fact the only "bisque" I've had was a delicious tomato bisque soup....Wondering what makes it "bisque". (Guess I could google it.)

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...