Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 30, 2014

Gathering The Moments - June

This was a very busy month for us.

 After a cold spring, June was a welcome gift!  Everything started to bloom!

 We had our best crop of Strawberries ever!

 We had such fun at Knoebel's!

 My friend and I went to see the Downton Abbey Costume exhibit at Winterthur!

 An unexpected trip to Florida turned into a family reunion with fun at a tea shoppe and the beach!

Lots of life happening here at the cottage.  Beautiful flowers in bloom, children thriving, projects with friends, kids safely home from their youth conference.

God is good to us everyday.  We just need to have eyes to see Him at work on our behalf.

I wonder what July will bring?

I'm joining Cheryl @ Thinking About Home today for her  great series Gathering The Moments.  You can join us too, here.


Vee said...

What a full, beautiful month your family enjoyed! I see LOVE here, too, and strawberries. =D

Cheryl said...

Oh, you had a deliciously full month! Busy is good when time is spent on worthy pursuits. I love seeing the glimpses of your month...such lovely moments!

Thanks for "gathering the moments" of June!

Brenda said...

Such fun! Yummmmm strawberries
I love Downton Abby.

ellen b. said...

Looks like a wonderful full month with such a great variety of God's touches. Blessings in July!

Maryann said...

Beautiful peonies and coneflowers, looks like you had a wonderfully full month, many blessings to be thankful for

Mama to 12, so far said...

Looks like fun. Pics are beautiful!

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