Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Preparing For The Fourth

This year it looks like my parents pool will not be ready for swimming on the fourth, and since the weather on the fourth is forecast to be 82 degrees and Thunderstorms, I guess we won't be swimming that day!  That being said, we will be hosting the festivities this year.

I've been doing a little decorating for the fourth.  Remember I always have red in my house so it's pretty easy to just add some blue accessories and voila!  You're all set to celebrate Independence Day!

 I bought new ribbon at World Market when we were in Florida.  Very nice quality and thick, which I like.  5 yards on each spool for $3.99 each! 

 The flag always flies here, and just to keep it real so do the weeds!  My new paid weeder - Sarah - will be doing this bed today!

I'm not sure why, but every time I write on something with chalk, somebody feels compelled to touch it with their fingers and smear it!

 I brought my red lampshades back out!

 This red star always hangs here.

 Since we have no rooster in our flock, I couldn't resist this plate from Target earlier this year!

 I brought out my red punch cups and used a bit of left over ribbon for the chandelier over the table.  (Look - real life again!  The doors to the media cabinet look like this most of the time)

 I've had this basket for years, and I love it!  I use it every summer to corral paper napkins.

This spatterware bowl is always front and center.  Can you believe it was a handmade wedding gift?  I've had it 26 1/2 years!  It lives on top of the refrigerator.  We use it frequently, so I like to have it where I can easily access it.  This is also a main way I decorate - useful items on display. 

I do this over the kitchen cabinets as well.  White bowls, pitchers, etc, used as decor but all things we use.  I added some blue accents at the beginning of June and they'll stay until we bring out the Autumn decor.

Blue Room Spode tea cups add a pop of color on top of my china hutch.

These sweet birds have recently come to my home.  My friend gave them to me from her collection of blue and white things.  They'll be moving back to Texas in the next year, and this will be a sweet way to keep them on our minds!

Well, as you can see, I stick to my basic design philosophy of using everyday items in your home as decor. 

Do you decorate for Independence Day?


Debbie said...

So, I've been out of town on an adventure and am just getting back around to the visiting.

I am actually trying to red, white, and blue the place up around here today. Therefore, your patriotic decor inspires me!

(I would take the 82... but I don't want the thunderstorms to go along with it.)

Vee said...

Your place is looking like a Patriot's Dream! Sweet little birds! (Tip: Did you know that if you dampen the tip of the chalk and then write it stays on better?)

Estelle's said...

I LOVE it all! It is patriotic, fun, and very heartwarming!!!! Love your décor! Everyone is going to enjoy the party!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It looks so cute!

I at one time had a lot of patriotic decorations out all year and I still decorate with a lot of red.

We may be having company, we still don't know if Mr. & Mrs. Christopher and her family will be here or not. I told them I'd prepare as if they were and I'm fine if they cannot. (They thought they would be in their house by now but it is taking weeks longer!)

Cheryl said...

I love how you have decorated with your own everyday items! Of course, it all reflects your own brand of charm!

Bernideen said...

A lovely posting!

Tea and Friendship

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