Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gathering The Memories: July 2014

July was an amazing month.  A lot of celebrating, beauty in the garden, time at the creek, a loss.

 Fireworks on the Fourth!

 Gorgeousness in the garden.

 Beauty of flowers

 Can you see all the pollen on this bee?  He was covered in it!

 A birthday girl and her treasures.

 Hard work pays off.  The house is clean on the outside and the shutters were given new life with some black paint!

Time to cool off in the creek!

A trip to Florida for a memorial service, beauty in the early morning sky, some cool cats.

Joining with Cheryl and friends to Gather the Moments of July.

I hope you'll join us!


podso said...

I love how your month of photos speaks so much of home and family.

Vee said...

These posts lend themselves to the ebb and flow of life, don't they? The driving to Florida (and home again) is so poignant somehow... And this old earth just keeps on turning.

Got quite a chuckle out of the distinction that the house is clean on the outside. If only we could take a hose to the insides sometimes! I'd like to right now! LOL!

A beautiful August to you!

Melissa G said...

You are getting to know that drive to FL and back pretty well i'd say. :)
Love your photos and love your family! Saw I missed your call last Sunday. Sorry. Was taking a rare sunday afternoon nap. Might have to do that more often, it was nice! :)

Cheryl said...

Oh yes, Deanna, what a full month you have had! Beauty, work, togetherness, and even loss. All such a part of life.

Death speaks so clearly, doesn't it? It speaks of eternity and what's important, as you pondered so beautifully in your post this past week.

Thanks for taking time from your busy week to "gather" with me, friend!

Unknown said...

Such pretty flowers! And I really like the fairy lights strung along the fence. Must be so pretty looking out over it all in the evenings!
I can almost feel the coolness of the creek water and feel mud squishing between my toes.

Tea and Friendship

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