Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Baking: No Knead 1 Hour Rolls

My Amish friend Katie shared a recipe with me for a roll recipe that you can make as dinner rolls or buns.  These rolls are quick to make and delicious!

I made some on Tuesday afternoon to have for dinner with grilled chicken.  They were used to make chicken sandwiches, or as a roll with dinner.

Katie hand wrote out the recipe after church one Sunday and we made copies for us ladies.  Here is the recipe with all her added notes.

I love homemade breads, and this one is one I will use over and over because of the simplicity of the recipe.  

I hope you try them.  If you do, will you let me know?

Here is a video I took yesterday morning, as I sat on our deck before the heat of the day began.  You can hear birds first, then cicadas, then our chickens, then a jet plane.  Just the quiet country life!


Terra said...

This recipe is tempting me; I would use whole wheat flour.

Cheryl said...

I will try them! (Or have Kati try them...or Bekah!) ;) They look delicious!

Enjoyed "sitting with you" on your patio this morning. :)

Vee said...

I have a similar recipe on my Pinterest...must compare and see which is easier or takes fewer ingredients. Homemade rolls are just about the best comfort food ever!

Vee said...

I have a similar recipe on my Pinterest...must compare and see which is easier or takes fewer ingredients. Homemade rolls are just about the best comfort food ever!

podso said...

I think I have this recipe but I had forgotten about it. Enjoyed the sounds of your patio, like your new header, and love how you love your life and home!


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