I'm a firm believer that if you don't have any family heirlooms, go out and find some that will become heirlooms to your family. Heirlooms don't have to be expensive things, they just have to be something meaningful to you and your family.
I love the look of old silver but have never inherited any, so I have begun collecting silver pitchers and tea things, pots simply because I love them and I love the look of them. One day my kids will divide up their favorite things of mine (if I don't give them to them beforehand).
When Sarah's birthday was on the horizon, I knew what I wanted to get her. Not only did I want to give her the hope chest that was her great-great grandmother's, but I wanted to find a desk that would thrill her heart!
She has long been in love with secretary desks. She delights in the cubbies to put her things in, and to be able to fold up the writing part was so exciting to her!
I found one on Craig's List and we went to look at it last week. We got a very good deal. If you look closely, you'll see a bit of warping (which Tim believes he can fix) and some scratches. This desk has seen some life. We bought it knowing how she'd love it and that if she wanted we could paint it.
She loves it just the way it is!
She has to find a home for it. She's working on rearranging some things in their bedroom to make room for it!
Here is a look at her hope chest.
She's pretty thrilled with her gifts. She know has a genuine heirloom, and a desk that potentially will thrill her own son or daughter in the future!
Do you have any heirlooms that are meaningful to you?
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(= D Tons! And I'm using my grandmother's hope chest as a side table in the living room. )
What meaningful gifts for Sarah! No wonder she is thrilled! Love that secretary myself.
That is a wonderful heirloom and I like the hidden desk feature. Gee, heirlooms. Hmm. A brass samovar I was given in Turkey. Magic show posters from the 1930s, of my grandpa's show.
Oh, my! Both of those pieces are amazing.
What wonderful gifts.
Now she has two heirlooms that she will hold precious and pass on to her children, with their stories, someday! There was a secretary in the room I stayed at in my grandma's house every summer. How we loved to play in it, especially a little door with a key for hiding things. My brother now has it.
I totally agree with your philosophy on heirlooms...either have some or buy some or create some!
This 12th birthday of Sarah's is sure to be remembered as the year of the heirlooms. I can imagine that she will look back many years hence and fondly remember when these treasures became hers.
That was a beautiful find:) I know that it will be loved by many over the years! Enjoy your Sunday dear friend, HUGS!
I have antiques and vintage items from both parents. They add so much to the charm of this house.
Love both of her "new" heirlooms!
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