Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Friendship: A Proper Chat

I am in the mood for a right proper chat this morning.  I'm even going to include a few links, for you to enjoy.

First off, with blogger being weird, not all of the comments (which are moderated), come into my email anymore.  I do check the blog dashboard usually once a day, but this past weekend I checked everyday, and there were none.  Late last night all of the sudden there were 10!  I published them right away.  I don't know when you may have commented, but they are published now!  Dotsie and Debbie seem to be the main regular commenters that this affects.

know many of you are Downton Abbey fans.  I thought you might like to see this photo floating around FB from a Harper's Bazaar cover shoot, of the women of Downton.

From the left by character - Mrs Hughes, Daisy (in front), Lady Mary, Mrs. Patmore, Phyllis Baxter (Cora's lady's maid), Lady Edith, Anna Bates, Lady Cora, Lady Rose.

I often get asked about Lindsay and Joseph's 'courtship'.  Here is a post on Like Mother, Like Daughter that pretty much sums up our view of the whole courtship/dating with a purpose vs traditional dating, etc.  That Auntie Leila is a wise woman.

I have been having some lovely chats with my darling niece who lives far away from me.  She sent me a link to this blog post at Generation Cedar - The Good Life and What Matters - What School Doesn't Teach  I told my niece that Yes!  This has been my heart about education for years.

For those of you on Pinterest - have you seen this board?  Tweed and Tartan.  Be still my heart!  I love it!

Here are a few samples

They all make me want to curl up with a cup of tea and a good book.

We had quite a storm blow through last night.
It poured and the wind blew pretty well, but no damage here.  Lindsay and Joseph were here for a piano lesson and a movie and arrived home to no power.  It was still not on this morning.

Photos during the storm

 And after

We love how the sun shines on the tops of our trees but we are starting to be in shadow in the late afternoons.  During the Autumn it is stunning with the sun on the changing leaves!

Rachel has her cello lesson this morning, and Tim is working second shift right now, so it will be tricky to time our main meal together.  We try to eat together with Tim on his schedule so when he is on second shift we do our main meal at lunch.   I may just do BLT's!

Tomorrow we are going to breakfast with Tim's brother Dan and our sister in law Sharon.  I'm looking forward to it.

What are you up to today?  Have any good links to share?  Let's chat!


Theresa said...

Thanks for that Pinterest link! Love that picture of the books! There are storms all around the country! Hope all is well up there! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Vee said...

I smiled to think of you visiting that Pinterest site. Just the sort of eye candy you enjoy. I sometimes foogle blogs of a certain country, which is how I found a Scottish one with fabulous photography. If I think of it, I'll send it behind the scenes.

I no longer get all my comments either...sometimes a bit frustrating.

Cheryl said...

Today, I am up to recovery. From too much fun. Summer activity has me bamboozled and I need a day to do nothing.

Great food for thought in the article about "What School Doesn't Teach." So very true.

Love the Downton photo!

Off to do a little more nothing. :)

Melissa G said...

OH yes, that board sure does make me want to curl up with a cup of tea and a good book!

Sue said...

Thanks for the links, I must be the only person in blogland that hasn't watched Downton Abbey! I am now thinking I have missed out on some wonderful entertainment!
I love finding unique sites, though I haven't lately as my computer time has been so limited. Thanks for sharing, now I must go and view these links.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Howdy friend.
I am not doing anything but going through the shelves and school work from last year and organizing it. It looks like we are about to have a storm here. I enjoyed those pictures and I am going to look at that pinterest board! Pretty.


Mama to 12, so far said...

Howdy friend.
I am not doing anything but going through the shelves and school work from last year and organizing it. It looks like we are about to have a storm here. I enjoyed those pictures and I am going to look at that pinterest board! Pretty.


podso said...

We heard about your storm on the news this morning. Glad you all were ok. Love all the tartan pictures. I think I saw some more photos of that DA photo shoot for the ladies.

Lorrie said...

Love that Downton photo. I'm glad you put the names of the characters, because I didn't recognize some of them in real life.
Today I'm doing some food preparation (easier to do in the morning when it's cooler), drying cherries (they take a long time to pit) and perhaps some sewing. This afternoon a Little Miss is coming to visit and we'll set up the splash pool outside.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...