Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

So I Thought This Would Be A Slow Week

With Summer in full swing, and Rachel and Emma gone to a youth conference, I thought I'd take this week to be slow and relaxed.  A few days of visiting with friends, and working on small sewing projects at home.

 Max, Emma, Rachel and Will before the headed out early Monday morning.

Well, so far I've had the fun friend visits, one I ended up driving an hour to meet my friend who had some scheduling conflicts.  Sometimes that is what you do to share time with a friend.  So while it was not in my plan, it was a good thing.  My friend who comes over on Monday afternoons, invited the kids back to her house for dinner and swimming on Monday, so Tim and I took the opportunity to go to dinner.   That was very nice!  We went to a local restaurant we like and sat outside in the beautiful weather.  Such a treat.

 Today, I had the day ahead of me, wide open, knowing that I needed to mow, and that the septic guy was going to come pump out our septic tank.  Great.  I was taking my time, reading email, puttering around when I got a text from Lindsay requiring a ride to work.  Her ride forgot an appointment and couldn't pick her up.  That's no problem, I'll pick her up and take her to work.  So now I should get ready to go out, and just do get ready when the septic guy shows up.  Okay still no problem, if I need to leave he'll leave the bill.  I pop my head out to say good morning and a few minutes later he wants to 'show me something.'  Sigh.  It's not a big deal but takes a few minutes and the time is ticking away and I have to get going.  Plus, you know, it's the septic system which, well, stinks!  I am thankful for these businesses.  My great- grandfather and great uncles owned a septic business in Waterford, Michigan.  Todoroff Brothers is still in business being run by family members and they are the #1 Business in the #2 Business!  

 I came back after taking Lindsay to work and then did the mowing.  I then let the younger chicks into the bigger run area.  It was funny to see them head over to where the big chickens were resting in the shade.

These girls are growing well.  They like it when I mow near them because I always blow clippings into their space!  They especially like the plantain.  

Looking ahead to the rest of the week, I have tomorrow free, and then Friday is my big shopping day for groceries.  Saturday the girls will arrive home, Sunday is church, and then Monday we are back at a busy schedule, Rachel will be doing some baby sitting, cello lesson….life goes on.

Thankful for all the people in my life who make my days busy, and full and rewarding.

What are you up to?


Vee said...

Funny how life fills up, isn't it? What made me smile was your dinner out with Tim. Now that was a treat!

Farrah said...

Isn't that always the case? I'm sorry you're week isn't going as planned but things can always be worse. Your chickens are so fun!

Cheryl said...

During the summer, I always wonder how in the world we have time to school during the rest of the year! And then, autumn comes and somehow we make room. There is never a dull moment, is there? :)

I, too, am glad to hear of your dinner with Tim!

Theresa said...

Some of my favorite days are when I thought it would be slow and quickly it becomes busy:) Enjoy your day dear friend, sending HUGS your way!

Lorrie said...

The days do fill up, don't they? Gardening, housework, sewing, time with family and friends - all good things.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...