Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hospitality: Look What I Found!

I've been on the lookout for a large drink dispenser, but was only coming up with plastic ones.  One day I spotted one that looked like a canning jar, which is such a great look, but it was plastic too, and I was sorely tempted to buy it as it was a very good price.  However, I opted to wait and I am so glad I did!

When I'm in Florida, I always take a trip to World Market. Have you ever been to one?  I really love this store but the closest one to me is in Rockville, MD, nearly two hours away.  So instead, I drive 1,000 miles to go to one near my in laws!  

They have so many interesting things household accessories, furniture, candles, bath items, dishes, kitchen accessories, food from around the world, many kinds of tea and coffee.  My girls love to go there because they may find a cute pair of earrings, or as Sarah did a gift for her friends birthday.  She bought her a cute sealing wax and seals set for $9.95.  It was the perfect gift for this friend.  

Anyway back to the dispenser, I was in the kitchen section of this store and there it was in all its gorgeous canning jar glory, a great color, and I thought to my self, "It's plastic, everyone only carries plastic."  I touched it - it was glass!  Wow, could it be real?  The next thing I do is check the price.  The box I see says, $19.99 - Seriously?  That can't be the right box, the one in the box must be plastic and this one must have a different box.  No way, could it be 20 bucks.  But it was!   

It went right into the cart!  I didn't even think twice about it or about the fact that we were taking two big suitcases back with us for Tim's brother, I would have held this thing on my lap the whole way home!

We used it Sunday when we had some people in, like we do every Sunday.  I also like having it there and saying to the kids when they are thirsty, "there's ice water right there!"

I'm a happy girl.  Can you tell? 


Cheryl said...

It had your name written all over it!! :D

Karen said...

Wow, a perfect match for your blue Ball jars! What fun!

Lorrie said...

I love it! Wish we had World Market in our corner of the world. Glass is so much better than plastic. And such a pretty colour.

Farrah said...

So cute!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

So pretty--I agree the glass ones are better than plastic. I've had my eyes on some in the market place and have not decided on one yet. Great for get togethers! ♥

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Martha Ellen,

I completely agree!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the water jar in glass. The color of it attracts me a lot. Glass is good than plastic!

Rebecca said...

I don't blame you for your excitement! That's really NEAT!

Brenda said...


Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...