Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Tea In The Highlands

This year I was inspired by my love for Scotland, to do our annual Christmas Tea with this theme.  I was reminded of the Downton Abbey Christmas episode when they went to Scotland to visit Robert's cousins.  So I meshed the two and that era (1920's) became the theme, too.

It was a wonderful event.

 First three photos courtesy of Becky K.

 We had a butler and footmen last night who served with distinction.  They did a great job.  Tim was the bulter, and we had a young man Daniel, a twelve year old young man Justin, and my 10 year old Kyle who were the footmen.  They all did great! I'm hoping to find a photo of them from last evening. We had a meal as well as scones and desserts.

All the plates, tea cups, china bowls, tea pots and silver are mine.  Collected bit by bit over many years.  I've found them inexpensively, been given gifts, I even recently bought a set of five tiny silver spoons with a Scottish theme (ramparting lion, thistle, unicorn) at an antique store for $5.00!  Perfect addition to the tea last night.

Here are a few of my tea things...

Cute photo Emma took of her table of tea drinkers!
 We played an ornament game, where everyone gets to choose one, taking turns picking.  You can pick from someone who has already chosen an ornament, as well.  So we had several ornaments that were 'stolen' from someone, and then they had to go chose another.  Here Juliet is holding a beautiful hummingbird ornament that she chose.

 We ended our evening as we often do, singing Christmas Carols.

 Then our butler took a group photo.

In the last few days before the tea, and on the day of the tea, I had 14 people who let me know they were unable to attend after all!  So sad.  We missed having them with us.

It is a joy to plan this tea every year.  I love to treat these special ladies to a beautiful evening to begin the Christmas season.

Here are a few links from previous Christmas teas.





Today I am linking to 




Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Beautiful! Wish I was there.

Bernideen said...

I am so impressed with this tea and the details and the uniqueness of your planning. We retired recently and in my next home in Missouri I plan to do teas. I have a heart for older ladies who I feel need more in their life and something to look forward too. Your group photo is wonderful and what joy you brought to everyone. I know I will be featuring this blog post of the featured ones on Saturday. I am going now to look at your other teas from prior years.

Cheri' said...

You always make your Christmas Teas so lovely!

Carrie said...

Oh, that looked like a fun time. You have beautiful dishes. Neat that you were able to have a butler and a footman.

Debby Ray said...

Oh what fun! Your table and everything looks so festive..tartan plaid has always been a favorite of mine! Love the hats...and that is one of my favorite episodes from Downton. Our local PBS is running marathon episodes this month, leading up to January. I hate that there will be no more after this year :(

relevanttealeaf said...

What a FABULOUS Christmas Tea! I love the red tartan plaid, and those Scottie dog cookies are adorable! Love how you've changed your blog page to coordinate - what creativity and talent. How blessed these ladies were by your labor of love.

The Speckled Hen Cottage said...

Love your theme and inspiration for this years tea! The tea sets are just lovely. Everyone looks as if they had a wonderful evening. Best ~ Mickie

Lorrie said...

What a beautiful Christmas tea. Love the fact that you had footmen and a butler!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Deanna,
What a treat to stop by and read about your special tea party and what a lovely group of ladies! Your china and hats are so fun to look at. Your table with the tartan is so attractive and I love the roses in the silver pot! Love the poppy cream and sugar as well as the hunting scene teacup. You also have a teacup like mine only mine is pink. I thoroughly enjoyed your post and I'm so glad you have shared it with us. Thank you so much.


podso said...

Looks like another great success!!

Lee Ann said...

really pretty. Wow that would've made for quite a large crowd if 14 more folks attended!

Vee said...

Another beautiful year, Deanna! Love the photos and most especially the group photo. ( I see you, Becky!) Looks as if you all enjoyed the time together. Love seeing all your tea time treasures and the wonderful plaid.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The tea turned out really well Deanna, the table is amazing with all the plaid and your collections from over the years. The ladies like lovely all dressed up and it's a pleasure to see some wearing hats - including the hostess!

Margie said...

What a fun tea! Love the Highland theme!

Melissa G said...

Oh what a gorgeous tea theme! I would love to see Uncle Tim and Kyle all dressed up. :)

Karen Andreola said...

I had a lovely evening taking part in the ladies chatter while we sipped our delicious tea. I reached back into my closet and found my oldest tartan (green) wool skirt and felt at home in it at this Christmas Tea - but I can't imagine tartan will ever go out-of-style.
You have such a flair for decorating from the sterling silver center pieces, with candles and fresh red roses - down to the tartan napkins. Karen A.

Cheryl said...

What a lovely celebration!! The theme was a great idea, and you certainly pulled it off! I love all of the plaid! (Did you make all of the tablecloths?!) All of your tea cups and tea pots look wonderful paired with the plaid. I am sure that everyone had a fabulous time at your special Christmas tea!

Rebecca said...

I enjoyed hearing about/seeing every little detail! Thanks for taking the time to share the evneing with us!

Mimi said...

How very special! Thankyou for sharing. You went to so much trouble that it's a shame to have last minute cancellations. Their loss! Mimi xxx

Linda said...

Gorgeous and totally FUN!
Linda at Beautiful Ideas

Bernideen said...

I think I must of missed tell you that I featured your blog posting today on my special featured blogs! It was wonderful!

Christina Paul said...

What a delightful tea! What a lovely collection of serving pieces you have and the scotty cookies were so cute! I bet everyone had a wonderful time!
I'm a big Downton fan too! Love their Christmas episodes!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Deanna,
Just stopping by to let you know I am featuring this post at No Place Like Home today.


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