Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, December 6, 2015


I haven't used this app on my phone for a while, but we spent the afternoon at church and I took a photo of my piano decorated for Christmas and played with it.

I like it.


Cheryl said...


Theresa said...

SO pretty! Have a blessed day:) HUGS!

Vee said...

So pretty!

Buttercup said...

I don't have a lot of apps, but I think this is one I need. Wishes for a happy Monday!

Unknown said...

Really nice. You did this on your phone? Wow!
Thank you for sharing.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I haven't used Waterlogue for some time either, guess the novelty wore off. :-) The top of your piano looks nice, love the teapot.

podso said...

I was just thinking about WL this week! I haven't used it in awhile either. I wonder if it works on a computer yet.

~a homemaker said...

I've never heard of this app, but I am also very cell phone challenged. Your waterlogue painting turned out beautiful.

Blessings on your day!

Debby Ray said...

Well, I never had the app although I have looked and looked for something like it for the pc (no smart phone here). There are some effects that give an OK appearance but nothing looks as authentic as the real Waterlougue. This is absolutely beautiful!.

Melissa G said...

I just got a new phone so i'll have to see if i can get this fun app now!

Sue said...

Love it!

Tim said...

I need to get this app! Beautiful, Deanna!

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