Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, December 12, 2015

O, The Weather Outside Is...


Not a chance!  The weather is crazy mild.

Thank you, El Nino!

Today's high was 67 degrees.  In December.  

The chickens were out enjoying the fine weather as well, when I went to feed the horses.  They just begged me to video them, so here are some greetings from our hens, and a rooster or two.


podso said...

Amazing isn't it? 74 here. Had to mow the grass again it had grown so much in the warm weather.

Donna said...

Yes, warm here too...72....
Love the chicken video!
Have a good weekend!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The true essence of the term 'free range' Deanna. We drove past a place today where their chickens were wandering free but right by the road and I was fearful one would go out in front of a car.
Isn't this weather amazing? We had high 40's again and it is supposed to be like this right through until Christmas. I hope the wedding party isn't hoping for snowy back ground photos!

Sherry said...

oh my.. seriously warm in your corner of the USA.
55 here in our little town of Northern California.

Linda said...

Upper 70's in Texas and I turned the A/C on in our den this evening!!! NOT Christmas weather at ALL!!
Love your chickens!! We are going down to the ranch right after Christmas and I can't wait to see all the critters again!

Rebecca said...

Whew! What a whirlwind! (I think I've caught up with you - except that I didn't have the proper plug-in to see your chickens!) I can't believe all that you're squeezing in to your busy life and this wonderful, WONderful season...♥ All the memories you're making in December 2015 will last a lifetime!

Theresa said...

Takes me back to my childhood:) Love the sound! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Lorrie said...

Glad you're having a mild winter after some of the harsh ones of earlier years. We've been having wild wind and rain. I'd prefer snow.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...