Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

This and That Christmas Edition

Just a quick post today.

Monday, I went over to my Mom and Dad's house and decorated their tree.  Sometimes the holidays can be a bit overwhelming.  You want the tree and beauty but the thought of the work of it can make you not want to do it!  I took my helpful little elf Kyle and we got it done.  Once I had the lights on, Mom, Kyle and I put the ribbons and other ornaments on the tree!  It looks beautiful and my Mom and Dad are enjoying it.

Lighting Tip -
100 lights per foot of tree.  Also make sure you put lights in close to the trunk.  We run them vertically along the trunk and then around on the branches.  We tuck them in and get the tree glowing!  It makes all the difference in the world!

 Traditions -
Last night we did our annual trek to see the Christmas lights in Nottingham, PA.  The Herr's Snack Factory puts up thousands of lights every year as a gift to the community.  We've been going for 20 years!  Afterwards we stop and get a donut.  This is a tradition that we all love.

I bought a Gingerbread house kit a few weeks ago that had four small houses in it.  Kamryn was here on Monday evening so she and Kyle made theirs and Sarah did hers yesterday. They had fun with it, but Kamryn, age 5, mostly wanted to eat the candy!

  Shopping - 

I've done some online, some in store and I am going out with my Mom today.  I like to find unique, personal gifts, and we will also be giving some gift cards this year.  

Wedding - 

Everything is on track.  I'm placing the flower order this week.  Emma's dress is ready!  She is going to be a gorgeous bride.  The groom arrives Christmas week!  She's very excited.

I hope you have a great day and a great Christmas season.  We are keeping our eyes on the Reason for the Season!  Hope and Joy are available for those whose trust is in Him!



Elizabeth said...

I love those traditions! Making memories with children and grandchildren is a wonderful thing as is remembering the reason we celebrate!

Vee said...

Fun that you and Kyle helped with your parents' tree! Oh the joy of putting a gingerbread house together! Happy memories being made. Just a few weeks before that wedding takes place and you're all ready!

podso said...

Cute little houses. It sounds like all is in order and nice that you can enjoy Christmas as well as have a wedding!

Theresa said...

Love the Gingerbread Houses! My Niece hosts a gingerbread house-building contest every year:) It is SO much fun! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

I know that your mom was appreciative of your help!! Sometimes it's just easier to do things with some fresh eyes and some outside creativity. I kind of stalled out on my own decorating this year and if the girls had not been enthusiastic, I may have scaled things down considerably. In the end, I was glad that we had done our usual decorating because I thoroughly enjoy it during the entire season!

LOVE the gingerbread houses!! Sweet memories you're making!!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Love those gingerbread houses. I have seen the kits in a box but never made up like that. Cute.

Heather said...

Thanks for sharing about Nottingham. I think we are going to try and go tomorrow evening. I just picked up a gingerbread house today. We will decorate it soon. With all that has been going on I am really behind. Spent the day out and about trying to check things off of my list.
I am excited for you that wedding plans are coming together!

Sue said...

I love your traditions, Deanna, and the tip on putting the lights on the tree. Tying to get the lights just right is the one thing I seem to not be able to do well! I remember so well decorating my in-law's tree for them as they got older, and of how appreciative they were!

Love the gingerbread houses too! OMG, I guess you might say I enjoyed everything! Your organizing skills amaze me so much, thanks for sharing!

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