Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 11, 2015

Wedding Planning: Update

18 days and counting.

The dress is finished and beautiful!

The weather has been so mild, except overnight, and the forecast is for 51 degrees on the wedding day, and sunny in the afternoon.  Kinda crazy for December but we'll take it!

There are a few things like cups and forks that need to be purchased.  I think I'll pick those up tomorrow while I'm out grocery shopping. Coffee to be purchased, too.  Oh, and sparklers.


Desserts will need to be picked up a few days before the wedding.

We are looking forward to meeting Vinnie's family, and getting to know them a bit.

Prayers appreciated for all those last minute details, and for peace and rest.

So grateful for this time.  


Theresa said...

Praying that all goes smoothly with the finishing touches! Have a blessed and productive day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

You are wonderful organizers and things sound so under control. Praying that when you lie down at night sleep will come without any trouble knowing that everything for that day is accomplished. One must get her beauty sleep!

Looks as it the vid was the problem?

podso said...

It sounds good, all good!

Jennifer Westbrook said...

It's going to be beautiful! I am heartsick that we cannot come down. Love you guys!

Cheryl said...

Soooooo exciting!! I know that there is a lot of joy at your house right now! You have done so well to have accomplished all that you have done in these few short weeks! Wishing you a few moments this weekend to rest and restore...

Sue said...

Everything sounds wonderful, praying for continued great weather! A wedding at Christmas is absolutely perfect! best wishes to all.

Tim said...

We are really looking forward to meeting you and your family, Deanna. I know the wedding will be God honoring and delightful! Can't wait!!!

Tim said...

We are really looking forward to meeting you and your family, Deanna. I know the wedding will be God honoring and delightful! Can't wait!!!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...