Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Garden In Late Spring

It's a beautiful day here at Creekside Cottage!  The sun is shining, birds are singing, chickens are cackling...

I need to get mulch, replace the picket fencing (which may not happen until late summer), plant an azalea that I was given for Mother's Day.  

Here are my other peonies, at the back of the house, next to a lilac tree.  I took this photo from the deck.  I have a few hosta in this bed, too, and I can see a fern that must have fallen from the deck rail yesterday!  Can you spot it?

Today, is my oldest child's birthday!  He's thirty today!  How can that be?  I still think I'm thirty!


  1. Your flowers are beautiful! Enjoy your day - it's chilly and rainy here - again. We really don't need anymore rain but rain is in the forecast for the rest of the weekend. My oldest is 30 too - how can that be?

  2. I'm waiting eagerly for my peonies to open. The buds are getting bigger every day!

  3. Oh the peonies! We had all of one healthy blossom this year. The deer eat our hosta like candy. Your property is lovely and lush in its green! Spring left us abruptly earlier this week when the 90s arrived. Have a good weekend.

  4. Happy birthday to Nate!! Indeed, how does time pass so quickly?!

    Your world is looking mighty pretty!!

  5. Your flower beds are beautiful, those peonies are so robust. Your boys are handsome! Happy Birthday to the one who has caught up to you! 😉

  6. Love your garden, the video also. Happy Birthday to your son.

  7. The flowers are beautiful. I love peonies. Steph turns 42 this year. Now how did THAT happen? Christopher turns 30 in November. You grow more beautiful each year, my friend.


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