Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 5, 2021

Good News Friday


The Red Sunset Maples in the front garden are not very colorful yet, and leaves are dropping all day long. They are very late this year and we'll see what kind of color we get.

So much good news happening!

First of all the elections on Tuesday were fantastic. Even though some media called New Jersey already there was a lot of uncounted ballots and some issues (fraud) so that the Republican candidate did not concede.

Some highlights are - 

Virginia voted in a Republican Governor, Attorney General and Lt. Govenor! The Lt Gov. elect, Winsone Sears, is the first woman of color to hold state wide office in Virginia! She is was born in Jamaica, served in the Marines, ran a homeless shelter. She is a strong proponent for the constitution

MSDNC host, Joy Reid, said that her election proved white supremacy. Mrs. Sears has offered to go on her show and set her straight. Let's see if that happens!

Virginia Republicans also took the state house!

There has been a lot of issues with school boards, pornographic materials in school libraries, and the other candidate for Governor saying that parents don't have a right to decide what their children are taught in public schools.

The parents of Virginia, not just Republican, took issue with that idea! Go parents!

The Special Prosecutor Durham has been busy these past 4 years, and is starting to prosecute. There was an arrest made yesterday. Each one moves closer and closer to Hillary Clinton. The Clinton's have been protected over the years and never have paid for the many illegal things they have done. Let's see what happens.

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene finally got in to visit the January 6th protestors that have been held for over ten months now awaiting trial for minor charges. There have been no charges of insurrection for January 6th, not ONE!

She says they were so thankful to see that someone had made it in to visit them! They've felt alone. They are given re-education, most are rejecting, poor food, virtually no medical care. This needs to go viral! These people need to have trials and go home! 

The Bid*n Admin still doesn't have the votes to pass their horrible 'infrastructure' bill. They keep changing it but still not enough votes. This is why they have moved to have OSHA try to regulate businesses to have their employees jabbed. It was in the infrastructure bill, but since that is not getting anywhere, they are going to try to mandate it anyway.

There is so much push back on this one, and it is illegal according to the constitution. This is why they'd like to rid us of the constitution. They could do whatever they want.

Have you read about the number of fire stations that are closed in NYC? The governor and mayor have really doubled down on this demand for the jab, but the Unions are fighting for the rights of their members to choose to not be jabbed!

You can read about NYC {here.}

Florida has a strong, governor fighting for the rights of Floridians!

He also encourages other states to stand as well, by his example! Keep resisting!

There is nothing that those who want to bring America down, wont do to create fear so you'll comply. I think we are going to see financial crisis. The central bank system is failing and they have nothing to hide behind now (war, pandemic etc). They will try to keep their power over us, but I it will turn out in the end. It's going to be scary though!

Don't be afraid but be prepared as best you can. Look at what parents have accomplished all over the country.

The election results on Tuesday show the story of Americans who don't want to be communist, who don't want to be controlled. We want to live peaceful lives, raise our families, and love our neighbor.

Did you know that some towns on Long Island elected Republicans? Did you know that Seattle elected a Republican City Attorney?! This is huge people! These are Dem strongholds!

Joshua 1:9 says, 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."



Beside a babbling brook... said...

Not good news in my City. It went fully Lib/Dem. My City is fully Lib/Dem. We want to get out.

But the good elections, are wonderful.

"Let's go Brandon"
🍁 🌰 🌻 🍂 🍁 🌰 🌻 🍂 🍁

Jan said...

I was so encouraged by the election results in Virginia!

ellen said...

Thanks for bringing us Good News every week. I heard that not only Hillary is in deep doodoo, but Durham can link the corruption to Biden and Obama, too. We'll see. Those poor Prisoners of War in DC are in my prayers!

Kim said...

It was certainly an interesting evening. Enjoy the weekend!

ellen b. said...

The results on Tuesday were so encouraging! Made me smile all day Wednesday!

diamondc said...

I have to start following you, you have great blog posts that align with my own beliefs.
Thank-you for this post, its a shame that so many people are falling for this crap, its like sheep being led to slaughter.
Not enough testing on this drug, I tell people who do not want me around because I have not been vaccinated that the ads you see on tv about a drug have many contraindications like heart problems etc. those drugs have been tested for years covid has not some people are just plain stupid.

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