Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 12, 2021

Good News Friday

 Well, it's been a crazy few weeks here in my home, but there is a lot of good news out there!

The first good news is that Americans are awake to the mess of this administration. In current polling Bid*n's approval rating is at 38%, and his VP is worse. Harris' approval rating is 28%.

People are voicing their opposition to communist take over by protesting and speaking out. Our constitution gives us the right to do this. The left doesn't like that. They are using all the tools at their disposal to censor, and punish people who have an opposing view to their own view. Sound like any countries you know?

They are using intelligence agency's and law enforcement like their own police force. Arresting those who are in opposition. The media are their other arm - propoganda - telling people what they want them to think is the truth.

An example of this is the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. If you are watching it you see that this young man was simply defending himself. The three men who were attacking him, with guns, were white men with criminal backgrounds. The one who died was a child molester. They had all been released from custody. How did convicted felons get a weapon?

The media is telling people that these men were innocent protestors. Most people have believed they were black men. They are not. They are all white. One of them testified in court this week that Rittenhouse only raised his weapon after he, the attacker, pointed his gun at him. That is self defense, friends. The left would like to use this to do away with our Second Amendment rights. 

The good news is that people see it. They are speaking out against it. Standing for truth.

We've seen the election fraud, we know it has happened all around the country. We see the purposeful open border, the closing of pipelines, and rising fuel costs. Inflation is at a 30 year high.

The fiat monetary system is failing. It is illusionary. Did you know the Fed is not a national bank? It is an independent bank, that prints our money, which we get loaned with interest. The fed is on its own land and not technically subject to the laws of our land. Why? Whoever agreed to this? They've indebted us so badly. We must make changes.

I believe we've need to go through all we've been through in order for 'We The People' to awaken from our slumber! We've all been lulled to sleep and forgot that we were the ones that the government works for, not the other way around.

More good news. Have you read about the 8 year old Florida girl who has been suspended 38 times for not wearing a mask at school? Gov. DeSantis said in July that mask wearing at all Florida schools would be optional, and up to the parents. Fiona Lashells school district was still mandating them. She refuses to wear one, and stood for her right to not wear one. She's in the 2nd grade. I heard yesterday that her school district has now dropped the mask mandate. 

May we have the courage to stand like this young girl!

In Pennsylvania, a court has thrown out the governors mask mandate for schools and childcare centers. Of course the governor appealed so its all on hold. The ruling however stated that the acting Health Secretary's mandate did not comply with the state's law about reviewing and approving regulations, and was adopted without an existing disaster emergency declared by the governor.

The state's disease control law does not give health secretaries "the blanket authority to create new rules and regulations out of whole cloth." The health secretaries authority is clearly outlined in existing law.

Our governor says he'll return the decision about masking to school districts in January but keep them in place for child care centers and early learning centers. That means our very youngest children are under mask mandate while their parents work. (I can't wait to vote this governor out of office!)

However, if the court ruling stands, then even the young children will be unmasked.

Special Counsel Durham has Washington in a panic! The indictments that have been unsealed point to more indictments coming! Durham is laying the cases out very methodically and I think as time goes on we'll see who really did the criminal activity in the Russia Hoax. I don't think they are sleeping well in DC.

If I were Bid*n, I'd be worried about the 25th amendment. This man has had a disastrous trip overseas. His visit with the P*pe, which apparently their was a bathroom accident, and then at the COP26 summit on climate, where he was seen, along with other world leaders, sleeping during sessions. Apparently at a reception while talking with the Duchess of Cornwall, he passed gas. She's been speaking about it and everyone thinks its hilarious. 

His ability to speak is getting worse. I don't think he'll be in office much longer. He is only a puppet, though. We've been lied to for years, and I think we are going to see the lies unravel. How long will that take? 

I don't know.

What I do know is that I have two turkeys in my freezer awaiting a date with my oven in less than two weeks!

What I do know is that my daughter had her ultra sound yesterday and is having a girl! This will make two girls, two boys for Emma and Vinnie!

What I do know is that this autumn has been a long and beautiful one.

What I do know is that God is in control. I fully trust Him.

Have a beautiful weekend, friends.


Terra said...

My friend, you are speaking the truth. This past week we are seeing a lot of good news in the USA about people waking up. The new governor in Virginia for example. A great place for conservative news is, among many others. I am hoping many who voted for the current administration are having serious buyers' remorse in their choice.

Vee said...

You have mentioned two things that I have not heard about. 🥴 Off to do some research. I keep doing my ear check and I don't believe jB has the same set of ears on his outings. Things are pretty nutty.

Bonnie Schulte said...

Your blog is my favorite read. Everything you write, I agree with 100%.

ellen b. said...

Congratulations on the little girl that will be coming into the world and evening out your daughter's family. :)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Little FL girl!!! A Super Hero!!!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

Theresa said...

Congrats on another Granddaughter! I know you are excited. There is SO much going on it's hard to keep up with the craziness! I pray that God will heal our Country and give us some great leaders! Have a blessed and beautiful weekend! HUGS!

Linda said...

Congratulations on another granddaughter. On to my second thought, And I am flabbergasted on how much truth there is too this post (that is a good thing, btw). I will be one of millions who will loose their job if the OSHA mandate goes through (so far, the courts have shut it down). Our devils spawn governor here in NY is something else...she keeps pushing and pushing...and we keep praying.

Thank you for the many smiles.

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