Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Let's Chat


First and foremost I wanted to share a question from the comments - Beside A Babbling Brook asked -

"I wondered about your folks and *IT*!

Glad it was so mostly mild.

YES!!! Natural immunity.

But how did they get it, and no one else did?

Or did some of you, on that trip, have it and not know it and... they being the oldest and least immune, got it?

We wonder...


My parents started with their symptoms while we were away on our trip to celebrate Tim's Moms' 100th birthday. In fact Mom says they started the day we had left.

I'm mostly home other than grocery shopping and co-op, but they have had a lot of doctor appointments since they moved in, and they also go out to pick up Walmart grocery pick up. We don't know where they picked it up, but we are pretty sure Dad gave it to Mom.

The rest of us have been well the whole time.

This was a comment left on my post about planning for Thanksgiving, but obviously this 'unknown' commenter (who comments only about political issues) had read my post from last Friday.

You sound like a broken record week after week. Frankly you're getting boring and a bit stale. The only thing Americans are waking up to is how corrupt the republicans were and still are. You do know that attorney general Garland is going to get the whole corrupt lot of them don't you? You know that right? He's doting his i's and crossing his t's to make sure when he comes for them he has all he needs to convict each and every one of those criminals. And one by one they're going down. Then he'll go after the leader of that corrupt pack, none other than mob boss donald tRump. I. cannot. wait. As for that little punk Kyle Rittenhouse may he rot in prison for the rest of his racist life. He's going down too. We should know next week what that punk gets. I'm sure he'll cry like the little wuss he is. What an act on that stand. Crying those fake tears. I noticed that criminal donald tRump was nowhere to be found. Too busy grifting money off his toothless cult. What a greedy pig! He'll be burning in hell or rotting in prison soon enough. Or the way dementia is coming for him, banging his head against a wall drooling all over himself. I'll take any one of those three options.

Have you ever heard the term 'projection?' It's where someone projects the wrong doings of themselves or their party onto the other person or party. Think about what is coming out about the Russia collusion hoax. HRC's campaign, and the dems were the ones working with Russians, and Ukraine, and not the DJT campaign. Her comment is all projection. That's what the msm does and the dems. They want to destroy and/or silence, anyone who doesn't think like they do.

My trees in front are basically bare after these past few blustery days. The oak tree in our neighbors yard is what still has leaves.

This tree still has a few on it, but there is not much left.

What a glorious autumn we've had! My burning bush are still in full color and as you can see my neighbors' Japanese maple is gorgeous!

Normally at this time of year, I am wanting to decorate for Christmas and Thanksgiving seems so far away. However this year the month has flown, and now we are a week away!

I always begin to decorate the day after Thanksgiving. My family prefers it and since we still do a real tree, a month is about what we can get out of our tree. I'm fully of the opinion that people should decorate early, if they want too! It's ridiculous to have "rules" about these things! When my grandma wasn't doing well years ago, she mentioned that she hated to take down her little tree. I told her since it brought her so much joy, she should keep it up! So she did! She enjoyed that tree for nine more months!

I am enjoying watching everyone on social media begin to put their decor up, and decorate their trees. The lights add so much to a dark time of year. 

I have already figured out where I will put my tree. I'll have to take one of our chairs downstairs but I have to do that every year anyway!

I realized today that I left these little trees on my secretary bookshelves since last year.

Don't know if they'll stay there this year, but they are sweet.

I'm praying for you all today, that you'll be encouraged, be thankful, and have joy! I am praying that my readers from outside the US are enjoying the build up to Christmas, and that my US friends, are going to be with friends or family or both for Thanksgiving.

Here is a song I like, that I think is fitting for this time of year, and anytime really.

I hope you all have a lovely day. 


Vee said...

My! What charming guests you have had lately. 😏

ellen b. said...

Beautiful song. We've enjoyed Brian Doerksen's (Canadian) version of it, too. Happy your commenter isn't barking on my blog. Wonder how she/he would react to my posts about the Ark Encounter and The Bible, etc. or if her/his only angst is against Republicans and DT. Interesting to buy into the medias portrayal of that young guy and calling him a racist when he only shot older than him white guys!
Yes, I agree, that people should decorate when they want to. Easier for Canadians who have their Thanksgiving in October instead of late November. I'm considering putting our tree up before Thanksgiving since we finally caved in last year and bought a fake one. About the C*vid I heard someone say yesterday that nothing we do will prevent that nasty infectious germ from spreading, not masks, not the vaccine, not social distancing. Those things are like putting up a chain link fence to keep flies out of your yard! :) Best to build up your immunity and keep vitamin d3 levels up and maybe zinc and other things that will help your body fight it off. You, have a lovely day, too.

Jan said...

Hope your parents are on the mend! God designed our bodies beautifully to build up antibodies when we come in contact with something new. We are indeed "fearfully and wonderfully made"! As for "unknown" it'so sad to see someone so eaten up with venom and hatred. If they think you're so "boring and stale", why do they keep coming back to read your blog? Bless their heart, as we say here in the south.

Bonnie Schulte said...

I find it so hard to believe others with their sick views concerning Kyle Rittenhouse. Raciest???? What are they talking about? A young man going into harms way to help others, and he gets attacked, and goes to trial for using his 2nd amendment rights. Guess he should have just left the others beat him to death. Good Grief! I can't even say what I think about the comments coming from the reader attacking Trump. My God, are some people blind, and deaf? This just drives me crazy.Goodby America, as we know it,with the Dems in control.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Thank you for the answer!

But now... I wonder... Has anyone, of that Birthday Group, gotten sick, since then?

You see, I am never satisfied with just one answer!!! -grin-

Gentle hugs,
😊 🔥 😊

ellen said...

I'm sorry, but I couldn't stop laughing while reading "Unknown"! I totally agree with you about projection. They use it all the time. Plus, hatred, division and negativity. As hard as it for me to do sometimes, I'm going to pray for the left. I think they are possessed!

Deanna said...

Hello Deanna. Very sorry to hear that your parents have taken ill. Pray they will fully recover. My older brother had co v id last September and it was still in his system on October 30th. The nurse told us that it can linger for a few months after they have had it. He would pass away October 31st from an aortic aneurism. I believe it would be fitting to pray for this person that is contacting you with political views. We live in a beautiful country that still allows us to have difference of opinions. If they are not going to identify themselves, perhaps it would be best to not publish their comments. My father and brother both had dementia and they never did bang their heads against a wall drooling all over themselves.

Deanna Rabe said...

I meant to say this in my post. No one who was there for the birthday, or attended the party has gotten sick.

Deanna Rabe said...

Projection all the way!

I was wondering if you'd send me your email. I'd love to chat with you more!

Deanna Rabe said...

My parents are recovered! Mom is using a bit of oxygen, but not to breath, she has no breathing issues.

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