Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 19, 2021

Good News Friday

 This week has been busy with care for my mom, our last co-op day, and preparing for Thanksgiving, so this may be a shorter post. 

Let's get started!

A court here in PA upheld ending our governors mask mandates for schools! This is good because that means even child care centers will be free to unmask.

New Jersey state senate president finally conceded his race to truck driver Edward Durr. When he called, Durr thanked him and told him if he told Stephen Sweeney that if he ever needed anything to give him a call, "After all, said Durr, I'm his state senator!" {grin}

Yesterday Senator Kennedy told Bid*n's banking nominee, "I don't know whether to call you professor or comrade." You can see a video of that {here.}

Big News! OSHA has suspended its implementation of Bid*n's unconstitutional mandate on companies regarding the jab. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals said there were grave constitutional problems with the mandate. 

If you are paying attention, there are resignations all over the place. There is a website {here}that tracks resignations from all over the world, politicians, CEO, etc. Some are normal, they are retiring or moving on to a different company. But some make you go "hmmm."

Has anyone ever thought Rep. Paul Ryan's decision to leave the House, after having been Speaker, at age 49. His career was at its peak.

There are now more registered Republicans than Democrats in the State of Florida for the first time in the State's history! The Democratic Governors Association is not planning to make any major contributions to help Democrats unseat DeSantis.

Texans have passed 8 Amendments to the State constitution, including one that strengthens religious freedom. 

Kansas Democratic Governor Kelly came out last week against Bid*n's jab mandate. She is up for reelection.

Wisconsin State Representative Ramthun calls for decertification of the 2020 election. You can read about that {here.}

I'd love to hear any good news you have to share with me! Let's keep encouraging one another!

Have a great weekend!

ps - I answered Babbling Brooks last question in the comments from Wednesday's post, and ellen, I left a comment for you, too!


Vee said...

Well I do have something to discuss with you, but not now. You're supposed to be taking anap. 😴

Bonnie Schulte said...

I'm from Wisconsin, and was happy to see Paul Ryan get in to be Speaker of the house. Ha, how wrong I was being happy. I too wondered why he left and how much was he paid to leave. Or was it blackmail? Or was he threaten? Guess we'll never know what goes on behind closed doors, but we know something is probably off...

Home Keeping

  I think I like this phrase better than 'housekeeper.' Home keeping feels more personal, and not maid or housecleaner feeling. I lo...