Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 15, 2021


a beautiful photo I took 3 years ago.

 We had a quiet weekend and it was just what we needed. Last week was stressful. 

Remember I had mentioned that my parents were sick? We wondered if they perhaps had mild cases of cov*d and it turns out that they did. My mom had lost her sense of smell the previous weekend. They'd had low grade fever a day or two in the beginning, (while we were away), then a mild cough for about a week. The main thing for them was exhaustion and weakness. They were so tired. 

Mom's hung on a few days more than dads', so I checked her blood oxygenation, and it was low. A call to her doctor and a trip to two different ER's (Long story and won't go into it here. Sufficient enough to say that all hospitals are not created equal.) Moms' test said that cov*d detected.

Turns out that while active mom's oxygenation drops a bit, and recovers quickly when she is at rest. They sent us home with oxygen. The respiratory therapist said this is very common for virus patients. She'll likely need it two weeks to a month. Yesterday, she didn't need any.

We are beyond grateful that they had such mild cases, now will have great immunity! Just in time to celebrate the holidays!

Don't tell anyone, but mom and I watched a Christmas movie Friday night. We did not have family game night. We were tired!

Saturday we ate good, nutritious, homemade Chicken Noodle Soup! The guys winterized the pool, then it rained. Tim ran errands.

Yesterday, Tim, Kyle and the girls went to church. I stayed home with my parents. Since my parents are no longer contagious, Wes and Rachel came for lunch and left mid afternoon. The kids played outside and then played games inside. 

I went to bed early for me. 

It's all good. 

I hope you all had a good weekend!


Vee said...

Yay for things being on the uptick! I have watched one Christmas movie. (I find them sickly and insipid for the most part, but if resting, they'd be just the ticket.) Who made the chicken noodle soup? I have been thinking of putting some together for the freezer to have if needed. Nothing beats it. Here's to a good week!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I wondered about your folks and *IT*!

Glad it was so mostly mild.

YES!!! Natural immunity.

But how did they get it, and no one else did?

Or did some of you, on that trip, have it and not know it and... they being the oldest and least immune, got it?

We wonder...


🍂 🔥 🍂

Cheryl said...

A quiet weekend was just what you needed! So happy that your parents are on the mend! Very much to be thankful for . . .

Estelle's said...

Oh no, I am ever so sorry for your parents...I will hope and pray you are all well and recovered by Thanksgiving...get some rest..y'all take good care!

ellen b. said...

Happy to hear your folks had a mild case and are recovering well. Hooray for natural immunity!

Kim said...

Glad they're feeling better!

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