Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 11, 2011


I didn't know what to title this post...should I say "another busy day?" or "prayer  requests, again?"  A few years ago I realized that my busy life, was not a blimp in my normal routine - it was my normal routine!  There are a lot of us living here and that makes for a busy life.

Sarah and Emily have been sick for a few days.  Nothing terrible but a low grade fever and cough.  The fever makes them feel bad, but we are managing it.  It means an adjustment for Lindsay as she will need to run our friends' store today by herself.  He said it has been busy this week leading up to Valentine's Day so at least she will not be bored!

Nate is having surgery this morning to remove some screws from his upper leg, near the knee.  He broke his leg badly 2 years ago and they had to put a rod and screws in.  The upper ones are causing him pain, so they are coming out this morning.  It is outpatient surgery, and should only take 30 minutes.  He had a job interview at Olive Garden, please pray that he will get this job.

Today is my big shopping day - lots of food to buy, dog food, etc...a bonus is that Tim wants me to meet him for lunch today!  He is working third shift right now so he is already worked for today.  He is going to take a nap and then meet me for lunch.  Then he will head to the farm where we get our hay, pick up a load, and then do something with the non sick kids.  Probably just games, but they love that.

Well, I do need to run.  I pray that your day will be wonderful, that you will remember to count your blessings!  We have so much to be thankful for, even in difficulties.... 


Tracy said...

Good morning, sweet friend!
I hope the little girls are well soon enough, and that they enjoy being pampered while they are down and out.

Isn't is wonderful to meet our husband's for a time of connecting, one on one? Sounds like you do have a busy, but much loved day ahead!

Becky K. said...

Oh I hope Nate gets the job at Olive Garden. Great pay....great food!

Becky said...

Prayers lifted. I hope you and hubby have a blessed lunch together. My hubby and I have been meeting for lunch for years in the midst of our busy life together. The Lord has blessed those lunches.

Terra said...

Your day is indeed full, and have a delicious lunch. I hope your sick ones get well quickly.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...