Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 24, 2014

Home Keeping Master Bedroom

It's still a work in progress, but I have made progress!

I spent nearly every afternoon last week working on sorting through and clearing out the rest of the clutter in the master bedroom.  It's embarrassing to have taken nearly two weeks to get it all done, but I am down to the two big boxes of tablecloths that were borrowed for the wedding, and two bags headed to Good will!  Hurray!

I also have managed to get a chair and couch in the room and it is so nice to have a quiet sitting area!  

Let me show you the room the way it is right now.

 This is what it looks like standing in the doorway of the room.  REMINDER: This is not the color of our choice for the room.  This is what the girls chose 9 years ago!  We are looking for a warmer color.  Just needed to say that.

 This is a closer view of the bed.  The cedar chest at the foot of the bed is Rachel's hope chest.  It belonged to the grandmother of some friends of ours.  It's at least 60 years old, I'd say, probably older. 

 This is my dresser and desk and the door to our closet.

 This is the inside of our big walk in closet.  Tim's dresser is in here to the left and we have some of Emma's boxes in here still.  It is quite roomy.

My desk.  You can learn a lot about me from the top of my desk.  First you can see the hat I finally finished knitting.  It's sitting on top of a little white sweater that our friends' little girl left behind at the wedding.  I'm going to need to pop that into the mail this week.  a few books, of course, including Floss, which I bought in Scotland.   I have character cards, a postcard from Vee from the Frysburg Fair, Trowel and Error by Sharon Lovejoy, and Kyle's daily log that we keep track of his school days and subjects he completes each day.  I have a photo of our side of the family at the wedding, hanging on the wall, and in front of it on the desk is a tin that commemorates the birth of Price George of Wales, also purchased while I was in Scotland.

 The view into the bathroom.  You can see a post about the bathroom here.

 It's amazing looking at how the color of the walls changes based on the light in the room.  The yellow pine floors really reflect up on the wall!  This is the corner with the tablecloth boxes, bags and stuff for Goodwill and Rachel's desk.  It's going downstairs soon.

 Then we are back around to the bedroom door and you can see the couch.  It is a blue plaid thing, that was free.  It is comfortable but the color really doesn't work in my house at all.  I don't mind, I just cover it up!  And I added a Waverly tablecloth that matches my comforter and pulls the room together.  And don't worry about that poor floating painting on the wall.  There was a nail there and that is where I hung it for now.  Once we paint then I will put the artwork on the walls in better places and in groupings.

This bottom photo I took to make a point.
It would be easy for me to crop my photos and show you just the 'cute' part of the couch.  You would think that this was what it looked like in my room, rather than having bits of the blue plaid showing at the bottom and on the sides.

I want to show you the reality so that you can be encouraged that you can use what you have to make a lovely and warm home.  Be creative!

So that's what I've been up to…how about you?


Vee said...

What a lot you have done! I love the floors! What colors are you considering? A well made sofa that is comfortable is a blessing. Glad that you know how to put it to good use! That's a big room to be able to handle all that furniture. (It's okay to toss that postcard, my friend, really! )

podso said...

Looks good! You will enjoy the couch in there. I smile at how much my desk resembles yours even to where I have the pile (on the left.)

Cheryl said...

You have created a lovely retreat! I am amazed at what you're able to fit in there, without looking crowded in the least! Keep us posted...we want to see that wall color!

Sue said...

Everything looks wonderful, you certainly have been busy, I look forward to the finished room, I like having a quiet place to relax, read or sew in my bedroom. I also love the pine floors, so beautifulI
We have been so busy getting our garden ready and planting, however today was laundry day plus getting ready for family this weekend. Thanks for sharing.

Humble wife said...

I love the real you! For me that is how I blog and appreciate it from others as well. Thanks for sharing the uncropped lovely room!

Theresa said...

Awesome, and I like the wall color:) Great changes for your Master bedroom! Have a blessed day dear friend, BIG HUGS!

Lorrie said...

That's a lovely big room - so nice to have a sitting area and a desk to work at in the quiet of your own space. What color are you thinking of painting it?

Jacqueline said...

Thank you for sharing a part of your life. I love the idea of paintingour bedroom, too...can't wait to see the color you choose :)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...