Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 8, 2017

Field Day!

Every year our co-op has a big Field Day, with all kinds of fun events for the kids to compete in. The weather has been very rainy lately and we thought that the event might need to be postponed, but we're a hearty bunch and decided to go for it! 

 It started to rain again right before the event, and one of the dad's prayed that God would hold the rain off while the event happened and if not that everyone would have fun anyway, and be safe.  God held the rain off until we were done!  He did however let the wind blow like crazy and for we ladies who were filling out the names, times, and events on ribbons, were hard pressed at times to keep it all from blowing away!

It's so much fun to see the kids trying their best and to see and hear them cheering for each other!

All the kids get a certificate for participating and then they get 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons if they place in the events.  Sarah, Kyle and Kamryn all did very well!  Even though I don't have any action shots of Kyle he won 5 firsts and 1 second place out of 6 events!

We are thankful for the families in our co-op and for our leadership team.  Everyone helps out to teach, plan, organize events and it's all volunteer.

We are already looking forward to next year!


Vee said...

Such days are so much fun! I remember them fondly. And a little too chilly is better than a little too hot for such days. Congrats to all!

Cheryl said...

Can I share a secret with you? Some of my most enjoyable homeschool field days have been when the weather was a little cool. (I do dislike heat and humidity.) I kind of keep that to myself because some of the moms are sporting warm coats and gloves (yes, one mom wore winter gloves to field day one year!), so I hate to admit that I am as delighted as I am. And really, the kids enjoy it no matter what the weather brings!

Congrats to all of your winners!

Becky K. said...

So happy that all of you have loved your return to the co-op. Congrats to Kyle, Sarah and Kamryn on a great field day!

Linda said...

Good times and great pics!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...