Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 22, 2017


Remember how I said I was resting and trying to fight off a cold?  I thought I had conquered it but on Saturday, I realized it had me in its grip.

Its not horrible over all, no fever, just a cough and ear stuffiness.  The cough isn't even too bad.   Its really just enough that I feel tired and in need of rest.

Sunday I stayed home from church - a rare occurrence - and relax.  Today will be more of the same.  I'm sleeping well at night which is helpful.

I must be much better by Wednesday, when I have dear friends coming for a visit.  They've recently moved back to our area after living out of state for several years.  We haven't seen them in just over a year, and since its just the ladies in the family coming, we're pretty excited for the day.

We have two family birthdays coming up - Nate and Rachel.  He'll be 28 on Wednesday, and then Rachel will be 18 on the 31st.  There is airsoft and a bonfire planned for this weekend.

I'm leaving you with some beauty to look at -

My light pink peonies are in bloom!


Cheryl said...

Hope you're feeling better soon . . . just in time to enjoy all of the gatherings with family and friends!!

Rhonda said...

Hope you get well soon!

Linda said...

Love and prayers for you to be back to normal by Wednesday! Love your pretty pink flowers!

Vee said...

You take good care and feel better soon. I am praying that you'll be feeling ever so much better in plenty of time to receive your guests on Wednesday. The peonies are delicate and lovely.

Rebecca said...

Sounds like you know the rest & plenty of water routine... Hope you are feeling better for your guests and birthday celebrations! The peopnies are beautiful. Ours are just beginning to open - also very pale pink. I really, REALLY love them.

Sue said...

I am just getting over a cold, first one all winter and spring season! I found rest and more rest, plus lots of liquids was the key! Praying you feel better soon so as to enjoy your company, I was lucky my cold came two days after my company left! ~smile~
Your Peonies are so lovely! I have tried growing them but not much luck!

podso said...

Sorry you are not well. Rest is good and hopefully by Wednesday you'll be on top of it. Wonderful peonies!

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