Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

This and That

Time for a bit of This and That, 'cuz that's all I have for today!

A young woman (who grew up Amish, but did not join the church) is getting married this weekend.  I am doing the flowers for her wedding, and these peonies are a sneak peek.  I took this photo at the wholesale florist last week!  So gorgeous.  These are for the bridesmaids bouquets, and not the brides' bouquet.  She had pictures of ideas she wanted but didn't really care what the flowers were, other than for her bouquet.

 I'm a tad stressed, not because of arranging the flowers, but because I have to deliver them a day early, since we'll be out of town.  I've spoken to my floral designer friend, who assures me everything will be fine, the flowers will all be refrigerated, and none of the flowers are 'delicate' such as hydrangea. 

The bride called me all in a dither last evening - worried about the flowers - did I have them yet? (No!  But they are ordered and will be ready to pick up later this week) Then they thought I shouldn't pick them up until Friday!  Tim helped me de-stress from that phone call.  The bride had one of her many 'coordinators' speak to me but you could hear many, many voices in the background.  Too many opinions, and from people who do not cut flowers to bring in the house.  Nor do the Amish have any flowers at Amish weddings.  They have no experience with cut flowers at all. Sigh.

Deep breaths.

 Thank you for praying for our business and the need for a trailer and truck!  We found a trailer.  We'd like to put new fenders on and  paint it, but it is what he was hoping for with a good price!  It is able to be used to haul cars as well, and has a winch on the front, too.  

 While mowing yesterday I noticed the Liberty apples are starting to grow!

My favorite kind of sky!

We definitely need some new chairs for the deck!  I'm working on that, and I will replace the tablecloth, but I was trying out a new arrangement in the chilly early evening weather.  I like it.

The gazebo frame is coming down soon.  Tim bought a big umbrella for the deck.  We are wanting to replace the deck in the next few years, so for now we beautify what we have!

I have shopping to do today, flowers to pick up tomorrow, bouquets etc, on Thursday, and then we meet up with the brides' friend early Friday morning, and then we are off to Greenville for Vinnie's graduation.  Busy week, but I'll be sure to give you are look at the flowers for the wedding.


Linda said...

I've been away so it's been nice catching up on you!
Sounds like the bride to be is nervous!
Congratulations on your trailer! I knew God would provide....
I'm a big fan in using what we have and making it as pretty as possible! I'm known as The Queen of Cover Up! If something bothers me and I can't fix or change it - I just cover it up! That's the reason I have my front porch covered with so many mats! Someday it'll take them off and we will have to address the loose and uneven pavers from the ground shifting and cracking!
Safe travel over the weekend!

Rebecca said...

"This and That" is RIGHT!
Happy you found the trailer....certain that you know your flowers :)
Grace to you and PEACE ♥

Elizabethd said...

Wedding flowers equals stress! Sorry. I have done them so many times. Stay calm and do your own thing, they will be beautiful.

Vee said...

Oh I understand how challenging it is not to be on the same page, especially when you are giving your best. Hope that in the final analysis, she will be a happy 👰🏻 instead of a bridezilla. 😉

Yay for the new trailer...the truck will be coming next.

Oh this hope that it moderates for us all soon.

Kim said...

The flowers are so pretty. I am sure they will be beautiful. :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Too many people making decisions is likely helping to stress the bride, don't let it get to you too. Do what you do and give the wedding your best, that's all anyone can ask.
Nice when things fall into place like the trailer. We sold our hot tub and I'll be doing some arranging on our deck too. We thought about an all metal gazebo but will stick with our umbrella for now.

Terri said...

I feel your stress on the wedding flowers:) Our son is getting married this weekend, and I have cut, cleaned, wrapped, and refrigerated 600 peony stems for the table bouquets. Our weather is such, that our normal blooming time was bumped up about 2 weeks and the wedding was not:) so they had to be cut early. I have "practiced" opening them with a few this past week and believe it will all fall in place, but there is only concern now is transporting them two hours to wedding site. Good luck to you.

Cheryl said...

"This and that" posts are fun to read ... kind of like having a little coffee/tea chat.

I am sure that you will do a fine job and the wedding flowers will be beautiful! There's a lot happening in your life this week. Safe and happy travels to you as you head out to celebrate Vinnie's graduation. I know you're going to soak up time with the adorable Isla!!

Thanks for sharing the answer to prayer in the form of a trailer for Tim's business. May the Lord continue to lead and provide!

Celestina Marie said...

Love a this and that post. The flowers will be gorgeous. Try not to stress, I'm sure all will be wonderful. Glad you got the trailer you needed. Have a great rest of the week. Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Blessings xo

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

My daughter and her friends ordered and created the flower bouquets for her wedding and my son's fiance (at the time) had her flowers done as a gift from a friend. I don't recall either of them being concerned about them but there were other parts of the wedding that stressed them.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I pray you have strength and joy this week!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...