Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 5, 2017

Thwarted Plans, But I'm Going To Focus On Good Things

I feel like I'm going through a season of having plans but feeling as if they are being thwarted!  I'm working on being patient, but sometimes I just want to complain!

We have plans to plank the stairwell and kitchen walls, but who knows when that will happen.

I need to go to the wholesale flower supplier to order flowers for a wedding I'm doing next weekend.

The kids have a field day with our co-op tomorrow, but it's likely going to be cancelled due to the weather.

Tim bought a big cantilevered umbrella for the deck, but again we can't put that up yet because of the rain and wind we are having for the next two days.

And I'm going to have to take it in to the Apple store.  Sigh.

But enough of this focusing on frustrating things!  Let's talk about the good things!

Today is my Dad's birthday!  He's 78!

Here he is on the left in the red shirt.  They were at a ball game with their friends.  Its the most recent photo I have of him!

Then I got this sweet face saying, "good morning" today!  Who can be grumpy after this?

Today is also Cinco de Mayo - Maybe we'll eat some homemade enchiladas to celebrate!

Due to weather, Tim only has one inspection today, so maybe he'll drive me to the wholesale florist!

When I change my focus my attitude gets better and better!

Happy Weekend y'all!


Vee said...

Looke there! You've done a great job of turning it around. Isla is as cute as a button all smiles. And Happy Birthday to your dad🎈 He's make 78 look great!

Hope that the day is redeemed with many blessings...Tim's help with the flowers for starters...

The ☀️ is always shining when we climb high enough. πŸ™ƒ

Vee said...

Look there! You've done a great job of turning it around. Isla is as cute as a button, all smiles. And Happy Birthday to your dad🎈 He makes 78 look great🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

Okay, that makes my perfectionistic self feel better now and I added more birthday balloons.

Rebecca said...

Isn't that the truth?!? (Changing focus improves attitude, etc.)
Happy birthday to your father.
We have a new Mexican Restaurant around the corner from us. I met a friend there earlier this week and am impressed with their food and service. I SHOULD have saved my visit for today being Cinco de Mayo...

Still raining here, also. Yesterday I drove about an hour and a half south with friends. Water, water EVERYwhere!

podso said...

You did turn it around and maybe the weekend will get better and better!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

My Hannah and I went and had a Mexican Lunch!!! On the other note...I understand all too often on thwarted plans.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

You should see our lawn... or maybe you shouldn't. In the over ten years we have lived here, the grass has never been as high or laden with large weeds. There has been so much rain it was either raining or too wet to mow! The river has been at flood stage for weeks upon weeks. The one good thing from this weather, I didn't feel at all guilty reading the Eliot trilogy in the afternoons!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...