Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, May 27, 2017


The week the peonies started to bloom we had three days of 90 degree heat.  That made all the blooms on my first blooming bush to 'bloom' out!  Boo.  I like them to ease their way open so that I can enjoy them longer.

The light pink peonies and a different pink that are in the back of the house (they get morning light verses the front ones that get afternoon light) took a bit longer to bloom, but then the rains started again.

So I picked nearly all of them!

I have some professional flower fresh and I'm still enjoying them!

The girls and I had a great visit with my friends and her daughters.  Later we met up with all the family to celebrate our May birthday people.  

Thursday, I took it easy and read nearly all day.  Then I babysat Klaire (Kamryn was at my mom's house) while her parents went to see a movie.  She was such a good girl and I enjoyed one on one time with her.

Yesterday, was grocery and errands.  Kyle and Sarah helped my dad place flags on Veterans graves, for Memorial Day, at a local cemetery.

Today, I mowed, washed my van, cleaned the horse trough with Kyle, made BLT's.  

My cough is still hanging around, but I have more energy than I did earlier in the week.  Tomorrow Lindsay is hosting an airsoft game in the afternoon, and Rachel is hosting a bonfire in the evening.

Vee, I'm praying for you.  This is a hard weekend.  Know that you are very loved.

Let's Keep Looking to Him!
Luke 12:22-31
 Then  Jesus   said to his   disciples“Therefore I tell youdo not worry about your lifewhat you will eator about your  bodywhat you will wear.  For there is more to life than foodand more to the body than clothing.  Consider the ravens:  They do not sow or reapthey have no storeroom or barnyet God feeds themHow much more valuable are you than the birds!  And which of you by worrying can add an hour to his life? So if  you cannot do such a very little thing as this, why do you worry about  the rest?  Consider how the flowers growthey do not work or spinYet I tell younot even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these!  And if this is how God clothes the wild grass, which is here today and tomorrow is tossed into the fire to heat the oven,  how much more will he clothe you, you people of little faith! So do not be overly concerned about what you will eat and what you will drinkand do not worry about such things. For all the nations of the world pursue these thingsand your Father knows that you need them. Insteadpursue his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.


Elizabethd said...

Your peonies are exquisite. I hope one day that mine will be as lovely, and as prolific.

podso said...

Yes Vee. Beautiful peonies. I think I like the pale pink the best.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Deanna, what a lovely post. I love seeing your beautiful pink peonies. They remind me of my dear mother who grew gorgeous peonies in Michigan. I've never been able to grow them here in Texas. Most likely too hot.
Hope your cough gets better. Nothing worse then a nagging cough.
Thank you for sharing Luke 12:22-31 I enjoyed reading this again as this is a verse we need to keep mindful of. Let Go and Let God as my dear mother always said!! Wishing you a wonderful and Happy Memorial Day weekend. xo said...

Beautiful flowers!

Vee said...

Beautiful bouquets of peonies... I had to leave the first time I read your post without comment and to find a tissue. Thanks for your prayers. One thing I know: John is perfectly whole and content where he is today.

Kim said...

Your flowers are gorgeous. Wow...

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