Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Happy Weekend

We have no big plans.  Just small things around that house that have been waiting - like changing the oil on the van, and putting up the new umbrella for the deck.

Speaking of the deck.  We had a small, quick thunderstorm yesterday afternoon, and in its wake was cooler weather!  I sat out on the deck for a while in the evening reading, and doing FaceTime with Lindsay. 

She was rearranging some furniture due to their receiving a baby grand piano this week! (someone gifted it to Joseph)  Their little Cape Cod house can barely house it but they have made it work, and Joseph is enjoying playing it. He's a gifted pianist.

I helped her with ideas of furniture placement.  That was fun, and I'm glad she calls and asks.  I have lots of rearranging experience, as you all know! lol!

I hope you have a good weekend.


A Joyful Cottage said...

How wonderful that they made room for the piano. Isn't Facetime great? I recently started talking with my son and his family on Facetime and it's been such a blessing to me to be able to see them while we talk. It's almost like being right there with them. Have a great weekend! xo

Cheryl said...

I am smiling at you rearranging furniture over Facetime!! Enjoy your slow-ish weekend!

Rebecca said...

How blessed they are to receive this piano! It's something I've always said I've wanted....probably isn't going to happen - but would be so worth ANY space one could find, in my opinion.

We've already done some yard work - taking advantage of the ultra-cool weather. We plan to go to lunch and Barnes and Noble while my father attends a birthday party. This evening, some friends are going to drop in to chat before our Saturday night routine of showers & studying Sunday School lesson, etc.

YOU have a great weekend, too. ♥

Elizabethd said...

What a wonderful gift to have, but I can imagine it wasn't easy fitting it in!

Sandi said...

A baby grand! How cool!

Love your lights.

Theresa said...

What a nice gift:). I love the lights, I have some on my screened in porch. Have a blessed rest of the weekend. Hugs

podso said...

FaceTime--and all our technology--sure makes keeping in touch easier and fun! Sounds like a good weekend to me!

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