Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Peonies In Bloom

Two days ago the peonies began to bloom, so I did what I always do - I snipped a few.

The next day I snipped three more and made this arrangement.

This is how the peony in the front garden looks this morning.

They are so beautiful and the scent is heavenly!


Elizabethd said...

I shouldn't succumb to envy, but....your peonies are so beautiful. And mine has two buds!

Estelle's said...

Your Peonies are stunning Deanna! My Mother's favorite flower and I have never seen any in these vibrant color!

Rhonda said...

Peonies are a favorite around here. I have one bush getting ready to bloom and three more I planted last and I hope they will bloom next year. We'll see. I love the color of yours :)

Sylvia said...

They are really pretty, I love peonies.

Cheryl said...

Guess what I discovered in our yard this year? Yes, peonies! How did I not notice them last year? Even with the craziness of moving into a new house, you'd think I'd have at least seen them. Do they bloom every year? There were only three light pink blooms this year, but oh-so-pretty!!

Rebecca said...

I can't WAIT for ours to bloom. It is full of buds. (We only have one bush and it has a picket fence behind it, too!)

Mrs. Chrissy T said...


podso said...

They put on such a wonderful show don't they? We transplanted our bushes and had none this year, but I enjoy seeing yours!

Lorrie said...

Gorgeous colour and blooms. Mine are buds, as yet, but there are lot of them!

Melissa G said...

They are gorgeous!
We have several peony farms here in our area. I would love to grow my own one of these days when we get our own house and space.

Information Friday

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