Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Autumn Favorite Photos

 These photos are not all from this year. Some are many years old now, but they still all speak cozy cottage autumn to me!

What speaks Autumn to you?


  1. I loved every single one of these! And while we have not yet experienced a crispness to the air here in Texas, I am enjoying the cooler temps that finally feel more like autumn. I even wore a sweater on Monday.....which worked fine until about 1:00 at which time I wished for a lighter cooler top! I could not get that off faster once we were back home!!

  2. All of the above, though I especially enjoy the picture of dishes, food, and the room beyond.

  3. Beautiful pictures all - but my favorite is that gold chenille yarn - it's gorgeous!

  4. I just love the scenes of autumn, inside and out! So much color . . . so much coziness! Lovely photos!

  5. So many lovely fall photos, I can't pick a favorite! Happy Weekend!


Welcome to Creekside Cottage - a place of Hospitality, Friendship and Encouragement!

Information Friday

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