Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Couple Of Busy Days

Our homeschool co-op meets today, and tomorrow we have a dress rehearsal and then our Thanksgiving concert in the evening.

This year I have asked someone else to organize the reception afterward. This will free me up to "hostess", as the leader of the co-op. I will help with set up and clean up, normally I am so busy refilling punch bowls etc, that I don't get to meet grandparents and talk with parents. I love doing the reception, and love serving the families, so I was really torn about doing this. However, I do feel like it is a good choice for this year at least.

I am mentioning all of this so that you will know why, if I am scarce around here for a few days. Also, I would love to ask you all to pray for me and for Becky. She is heading up the program, leading two choirs. Pray also that God will be glorified through this program. We have never done a Thanksgiving program before, usually just Christmas or Spring or a Fine Arts program, and we really want to bless all the families of our group and the many guests they bring. We usually have 300 + people come to our concerts!

I promise to take lots of photos...


Alicia @ said...

I am sure this will come through beautifully. You both have put in timeless hours and hard work, doing it all for the Lord. Sending prayers your way!! Just rememeber God will have it go the way He wants it to go!! Have a great time!!

Gone said...

Thanks for visiting me...and our OLD house. We enjoyed our time together there.

Thanks for your comments.

tea time and roses said...

I just know the program will be a wonderful one and a true blessing! Enjoy yourself and just watch God do the rest!:o) Have a wonderful time!



Pink Slippers said...

Stepping out---God will surley be glorified and you all will be blessed.

Home Keeping

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