Catchy title, eh? I glanced through it and it looks good and thought
Lindsay saw a book - well, I pointed it out to her - about the music of the Lord Of The Rings. It was a hardback book and was $60. She did not buy it. My girls are of the modern age to look up things on, which she did and found it for much less, though she decided to not purchase it yet. She did purchase a Mandolin though! It had great reviews and was an amazing price!
While we were out, we also went to the fabric store where she purchased new material for a new medieval era dress. It is going to look really good. It is a light weight cotton, green on green small floral - looks woodsy and is just right for her. She plans to work on that today.
It is fun to go out one on one with my kids. I find they talk my ears off and we get to know each other in deeper ways, and have so much fun! My daughters are amazing young women!
Emily held down the fort for us, after working the afternoon. She has been reading a book called "Radical - Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream." by David Platt.
She was reading some of it aloud to me the other evening while I was sewing. It was interesting and we had some great discussion. She wanted to buy this book, so Lindsay and I picked it up for her. I am interested in finishing it, too.
The younger kids were playing in the rain when we got home! It was nearly dark and they were soaked and happy. After they got dry and had a snack I read two chapters to them in "The Long Winter" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Last night Laura and Carrie were almost lost in a blizzard - if Laura hadn't run into the corner of the hotel their whole group from school including their teacher would have been lost out on the endless prairie. It was good to see God's hand in their protection.
After they went to bed, the older girls including Kayleigh piled into my bedroom and onto my bed and we watched two episodes of "My Fair Wedding". It is amazing what this guy does to make weddings beautiful. The girls were still giggling and carrying on at 1:00 when Tim got home, I was sooo tired, and would have been asleep long before this time, but I wouldn't have missed this fun for anything!
Well, I need to run. It is my day to be like the Merchant Ships and bring home the things we need from a far...well, a few of the places are about 30 minutes away! Emily is going with me.
I am so delighted to have these relationships with my daughters. I am blessed.
Isn'r it amazing how much talking they do when it's just the too of you. Hannah seems to have gotten even more talkative while she is driving now. Glad to hear you had a good time.
I want to read Radical as well!
And having daughters sounds like a lot of fun!
You are blessed, indeed! (o:
I can't wait to see Lindsay's newest creation when it is ready. Those dresses look so nice on her.
Glad to hear you so relaxed and enjoying time with your family.
Warren and I spent last evening with the moms. We enjoyed our time...laughing and sharing.
I can tell that you and your daughters have a lovely relationship. The mandolin and fabric for a medieval dress sound fascinating and I like the title of the book you bought.
I have had several friends recommend the "Radical" book to me- need to find a copy!
Just discovered your blog and am liking it a lot! Daughters truly are a blessing (so are sons for all I know!). I had a lovely relaxing afternoon in the sunshine yeaterday with my precious 17 year old daughter - not doing anything in particular, just reading, stroking the cat and the rabbit, and lolling around enjoying God's craetion. Bliss! x
I can't wait to see Lindsay's dress! Mac plays mandolin, too!
Please report on the Salatin book, as it sounds interesting.
Sounds like lots of fun! I, too, can't wait to see Lindsay's new dress. I so love the first one.
I love the great discussions I get to have with my boys as well. It is such a blessing to be a homeschool family and be able to build these kinds of close relationships with our children.
Radical is on my list to read. It sounds so interesting.
I really miss our Borders, it went out of business during the winter. I must admit I rarely bought a book there unless it was on clearance.
I did buy my magazines and yearly calender there and it was the one place close to where I live that I could peruse British Country Living.
Our Borders was very, very liberal and didn't have many books I was interested in. Those they did were far more expensive than Amazon.
I found our Barnes & Noble to offer a lot more of the kinds of books we like. Unfortunately, it is on the other side of the county from where we live so I can't just drop by like I did Borders.
B & N always had great books to use for homeschooling.
What fun! All the Borders around me have closed and I didn't buy one thing. I found that regular Amazon prices were better than the "close out" prices. I've had the Joel Salatin farming book on my wishlist for a while now.
You keep enjoying these days mama. My oldest daughter has been married a year now and I'll never regret the extra effort put forth in relationship. It lasts a lifetime! Now I continue to enjoy the two left here with me for the next few short years... sigh... God is so good!!
Blessings, Debbie
I love the one on one time with my girls too. Now that they are becoming young women, it's so important to give them a listening ear too :) Not always easy in a houseful of people, so getting out "just the two of us" is so nice.
Have a wonderful week. I'm sorry I haven't been by much. I'm just not on the computer much this summer. Enjoying time with my family though.
Mother daughter relationships are very precious. I'm so glad that you and your gals know how to have fun together and enjoy one another's company. It really is a blessing.
Sounds like ya'll had a wonderful day!
Time is such a precious gift!
Thank you for your sweet commets on my blog!
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