I am not a fan of hot and humid weather...I like the Autumn weather better!
The endless days of hot and humid weather have made things challenging this summer. Of course, I have not suffered thanks to air conditioning. It has however caused us to rethink our schedule a bit and do outdoor work in the early morning or early evening.
The kids have been great at checking the garden...they proudly bring in the bounty every day.
For Lindsay and Emily the weather has made work uncomfortable...working in the maze is hot work, the corn is so high it blocks all the breeze (if you have one) but leaves the sun blazing down on you. The lack of airflow makes it about 10 degrees hotter than outside the maze...
In the midst of all this hot weather and running around, we have started back on our 'school' schedule...I am happy to get back to it, but it is hard to buckle down!
It won't be long before their is a chill in the air and we bring out the sweaters and throw blankets! Ahhh...that sounds delightful doesn't it?
Autumn....sounds so wonderful to me right now!!
I am definitely looking forward to Autumn this year. I am not a fan of these humid days in the nineties.
I can take some heat, but the humidity really wilts me! Autumn is my favorite time of year!
Our weather has been amazingly wonderful! So cool in the morning and a nice warm in the afternoons..I wonder if we are in for a hot Fall...GR! We may be eating Thanksgiving outside! haha..I will enjoy it now!
LOVE the pillowcase! I will have to try these as Cayden gets bigger!
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