Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 17, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap

We started to make our own laundry detergent several years ago, after we got a new washing machine.  After using two washing machines for about two years, my husband grew concerned about how much water we were using (we have a well, and a drain field) and we wanted something much more efficient.  Tim researched and came up with a machine from Staber

He liked them because they are made in America, they are a simple machine - no computer in them - and he can fix it easily.  Also they use very little water or detergent.

We were using just an ounce of liquid detergent and our clothes were coming out very clean and our black clothing no longer had white marks from laundry soap that didn't get rinsed out!

About that time I came across a recipe for making your own laundry soap and decided to give it a try.  It couldn't be easier.

We use the following recipe

1 cup washing soda - Arm and Hammer brand found at Wal-Mart.  This is not baking soda!

1/2 - 1 cup of borax - I buy it at Target.

1 bar of soap.  You can use any kind of soap, but I like the Fels Naptha laundry soap bar.  I find it at Wal-Mart for 97 cents.

You use only 1-2 tablespoons of laundry per load!  This stuff lasts quite a while.

My kids make it up regularly - it is simple and non toxic.

These photos were from a few years ago.
My niece in law uses this recipe too, as she wanted to cut back on expenses and she has two little boys.  She doesn't worry about what she is putting next to their skin!

Do any of you make your own laundry soap?  I next want to make my own liquid hand soap!  Any recipes to share?


Autumn said...

We make ours the exact same way!

Vee said...

No, but I am definitely considering it. Does Tim have a recommendation for a bread machine brand? Your washing machine sounds very interesting.

Rebecca said...

No problem posting here...(per your prior post).

And this is the soap recipe I bought ingredients for long ago. Just never go to shaving the Fels Naptha. I think I'll put it on my Monday "to do" list. (This weekend is booked playing with 4 visiting grandchildren and their parents.)

Cheryl said...

I trust your sounds so easy to make and quite economical. But I have a front loading machine that requires the HE detergent. I wonder if I could use it in my machine. Hmmmm...
Does it produce lots of suds?

Anonymous said...

I Love making my own soap, Iv made liquid,and powder :)

Echoes From the Hill said...

I use a similar recipe, but it also uses baking soda, in addition to washing soda and borax. I use Fels Naptha soap, as well. I have also made homemade liquid (more like gel) detergent. I like the powdered version better.
Does anyone know why you would use both baking powder and washing soda?
My laundry turns out much softer and very clean using the homemade detergent.

Melissa G said...

I just started making my own this past month. I don't put the grated soap in it though and it seems to work just fine. The bar of soap would probably give it a nice smell though right?

Anonymous said...

Mine dont make alot of suds .

deborah said...

I have made my own some and it is this same recipe!

Anonymous said...

I like the powder better also

Anonymous said...

I use Zote in mine, i did not care too much for Fels Naptha ,Mine dont have scent in it, which I am glad do to allergies

Ronda said...

I have been making my own homemade laundry detergent for about 8 years now! LUV IT!

I will never go back to store bought...EVER!

Love & Prayers,

Humble wife said...

We are homemade laundry soap too. I love it and would never switch back.


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