Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Note Card Party - Hydrangea

Happy Summer!

I am celebrating today by joining Vee for her monthly Note Card Party!  It is always so much fun!  If you haven't joined us before, you really should this time!

A Haven for Vee 
I have been loving my hydrangea this year so this post is all about their beauty....
I am getting a variety of blossoms on my hydrangea this year....I love it.  With a little bit of work, wouldn't this be a stunning note card?
 If I were making this into a card, I would do a lot of cropping to this one....

 One of the best things about growing flowers is that you can cut them and bring their beauty indoors - these are in my windowless bathroom - 

These are on my piano....

I took all these photos with my iphone - can't seem to find my real camera these days.

My favorite is the first photo....

Thanks for stopping by and letting me share my hydrangea obsession with you!


Becky K. said...

Mine finally opened this week. I need to go bring some in and play with them.....they are so photogenic.

I enjoyed seeing yours in person the other evening. :-) said...

I love hydrangea and can't get my to bloom this year...these are great!!

Vee said...

If I had a hydrangea, I'd have an obsession, too. They are such a beautiful flowering bush. I always like fresh flowers in a bathroom, too. It's a great way to add the outdoors. (It is perfectly okay to doctor your photos, Deanna. So go ahead and crop them, enhance them, whatever them. They don't have to have been seen in their original format. For example, some of my photos first made an appearance in a mosaic.)

Creations By Cindy said...

Awe, they are so pretty! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Happy@Home said...

It would make me very happy to receive any one of these as a note card. I absolutely adore hydrangeas and yours are just beautiful.
Happy Summer.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i really love hydrangeas ... such a lovely flower indeed. would be lovely note cards. your phone takes great photos. that is awesome!! (:

Millie said...

I love hydrangeas too! I'm so happy there are varieties which now can withstand our harsh climate. Your pics are great.

Pamela Gordon said...

I love hydrangeas and your blooms will make beautiful cards! Blessings, Pamela

Tori B. said...

Your hydrangeas are gorgeous and would look wonderful gracing note cards.

bj said...

I would buy your pretty cards and frame all four of them...:) Just beautiful.

Vickie said...

I love hydrangeas! Sadly, mine croaked in the sweltering heat we had last summer here in Texas. So I'll just enjoy yours!

Deb said...

These are gorgeous. Pretty, pretty flower. Deb

ellen b. said...

Wonderful hydrangeas. Great choices for note cards!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your hydrangeas are beautiful!

My hydrangea plant also exploded with flowers this year! I wonder if it is becasue we had a very rainy spring?

Anonymous said...

Our hydrangeas are enjoying a banner year, too! It's so beautiful how there will be different colors of blooms on the same plant.
And then they are so easy to dry!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

These are all beautiful photos for notecards! I planted a hydrangea last year and the poor thing is only about a foot and a half tall this year and no blooms. I hope it makes it! Happy Summer to you!

Anonymous said...

Oh so BEAUTIFUL! I'd definitely love these as note cards. :o)

Precious said...

I love these flowers...I like your third pic the best!

Cheryl said...

Oh, I love hydrangeas too! We have planted several in the past few years, so they are all rather small right now...but I have hopes of large blooming bunches of them in the future. Yours are beautiful!

Beth said...

Absolutely beautiful notecards! My favorite is the last one.
xo Beth

Kati said...

I just love hydrangeas! We cut some the other day and have them in a vase in the kitchen so we can see they a lot. My favorite is the first picture. They are such a pretty color.

Patricia said...

Deanna, your hydrangeas are very beautiful!
I love them - they are one of my favourite flowers.
For many years, I dried mine out and hung them as decorations across the wide opening from my kitchen to the living room.
Occasionaly someone would ask why I had "dead flowers" up there, but I though they looked lovely, lol!
Have a blessed day...Trish xx

Lynn said...

Your hydrangea are beautiful, love all the different colors:@)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You took those with your IPHONE? They are great! Hydrangeas are my favorite flowers for the flower bed. I love the variety of colors! Happy summer!

Susy said...

They're definitely beauties ~ and equally wonderful on the bush and in the vase.

Anonymous said...

I love hydrangeas, too - and you have some terrific shots here. I think I like the one in the vase in your "windowless bathroom" best. I like how it is positioned - leaving room for a verse at the top.

I had great fun putting my first Note Card post up - looking forward to it next month.


Lorrie said...

Gorgeous hydrangeas and your photos are perfect for the note card party. Isn't it a great idea?

Our hydrangeas are just barely beginning to bloom - summer weather is slow to come.

Neabear said...

Hydrangeas seem to be a favorite flower of many. They are indeed a gorgeous flower. I don't have any, so a note card made of your photos would do!

Thank you for visiting me!


Judy said... favorites! I'm waiting (rather impatiently) for mine to bloom. They are more of a July bloomer here in the Pacific Northwest area. Great note card pic's!

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