Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 22, 2012

Thank The Lord For Air Conditioning!!!

I'm not trying to be irreverent, really.  I am truly, truly thankful...

It has been HOT here - and while today is cooler - only in the lower 90's - the heat index puts it at 100 degrees.  

Rachel and I were just out in the pasture, peeling tape and paper off of a horse trailer that Tim is rehabbing for a family from church.  Rain is coming this afternoon and he didn't want the paper to get wet and stick to the new paint job.  It is looking really good.  Black and Silver...

 Here is our trailer that he rehabbed last year - 

 I wish we had a photo of how bad ours looked before he painted it!  It had been black and white and was faded to a bad navy blue...well, I won't torture you with the details.

Yesterday, I dropped the girls at Fab Fashion and at S&S, then headed to a wholesale place about an hour away.  It was so hot, but I stayed cool in the van with the a/c and was able to find great rings and earrings for the store, oh, and hats!  Some nice straw hats for summer weddings and trips to the shore! We had sold out and I was able to find more.

Cheryl at Thinking About Home posted about summer today.  She asked what are your favorite things about summer.  Guess what I answered?  AIR CONDITIONING!

And I do like being on a break from school, swimming at my parents house, feeling mentally more relaxed, my beautiful gardens... 

So, what are you thankful for today?


Becky K. said...

Air Conditioning and friends. A wonderful husband and three amazing kids. Also a request to bring candles to a Lancaster Salon. A thunderstorm that is going to clear out this heat.

Anonymous said...

I'm VERY thankful for air-conditioning too. :o)

Cheryl said...

Oh yes, I agree with you...air conditioning is one of the very best things about summer!! There are many things that I would trade to keep Mr. A.C.! Honestly, sometimes I have to make myself leave my cool-and-comfy house on those sultry summer days.

Sue said...

I am so agreeing with you, I can't tell you how many times dh and I have said how thankful we are for air conditioning, and at the same time asked ourselves how did our grandparents and parents survive the heat!! I also remember the first window unit dh and I got when we were first married!

A great job your husband did with the trailers, ours is in much need of a paint job.
It also sounds like your store is doing great, I am so happy for you.One of my dreams has been to own a shop or boutique!
Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to say hi! I have been so busy that I haven't done a lot of blogging this summer, and I have missed it so much.
Enjoy your weekend.

lotta joy said...

I'm thankful that at the age of 62 I now walk through our house and yard and say "life is good" and mean it. And I'm glad I didn't wait until I was 63 to learn how much more wonderful life is when you APPRECIATE everything.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...