Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 13, 2013

He Needed A Hair Cut

 but he didn't agree...

 Even though his Emma got out her clippers...

 And she always cuts his hair...

 He was NOT happy...

However I am happy - he looks good.  Like a goofy eight year old boy...

See what I mean?


Vee said...

He looks great! Emma did a fabulous job.

Cheryl said...

Can't go visiting the relatives looking scruffy! It's tough being 8! ;)

Praying for safe and happy travels for all of you tomorrow!

Karen said...

Love that pitiful expression on his face in the second pic. Too cute!

The good news is that now he won't have to get his hair cut for at least a couple more weeks, right? ;-)

Theresa said...

Oh what a sweet face WITH a fresh haircut:) Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!

podso said...

Hey that will be much cooler for him in Fl. Hope you have/are having a nice trip and it sounds like you've made some decisions for there ... yea for your autumn decor!

sherry said...

cute. just cuter than cute.

I've Been Blogging For How Many Years?!

  Here is what Creekside Cottage looked like when I first started to blog! The picket fence was new and the posts didn't have their tops...