Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I'm In A Chatty Mood This Morning

Are you ready for it?  Here we go!

Last week Emma and I were the only ones up and we were having a nice morning chat when we hear this noise that sounds like a blow torch in the house!  We looked at each other and said "That was weird!"  Less than a minute later we hear it again, and I turn to look out the front window and see this!

 I was coming down and we thought it was going to land across the street at our neighbors house, but at the last minute it heated the air back up and went up again!
It was an interesting way to start the day.

I found this map on my phone.  Sarah and her friends from church have made an imaginary land with it's own language and Sarah is always drawing maps of different places.  She took a photo of her map and then used the Sketch app on my iphone.

Yesterday Kyle and Kamryn were playing outside together and came racing into the house.  She said 'Mom! Mom!  Me playing in the dust!"  She was laughing and giggling! 

 She and Uncle were playing in some dirt and were so dirty and happy!

 She calls Tim and I "mom and dad" because that's what the other kids call us.  She calls Nate and Kayleigh "Mommy and Daddy" and she knows we are her grandparents not her parents.  We always refer to ourselves as "grandma and grandpa" and she gets it.

She calls my parents, her great grandparents "Birdie and Papa."  "Birdie" got her name when I suggested it.  Kamryn always wanted to play Angry Birds on my mom's phone and could only say "bird-a" that sounded like birdie, which meant "Can I play angry birds on your phone?"  Also it was a tad confusing for a wee one to have 'grandma and grandpa' who everyone called Mom and Dad and then 'grandma and grandpa' who were called that by my kids but I called them Mom and Dad we have settled into "Birdie and Papa", "Mom and Dad" and "Mommy and Daddy."  Confused?  It's alright, at least it all makes sense to Kamryn!

On to another topic - my Mother in Law is doing well and coming home tomorrow!  Tim's sister will stay with them until the live in caregiver can come.  We are trying to decide when to go down and get some of those handyman jobs done.  We're thinking it will be better to go before the caregiver moves in, but trying to coordinate schedules with Lindsay and Emma.

I'm savoring these days with my family, enjoying each day with all it's differences and unique opportunities.  Last night mom and I went to dinner and we've decided to do it once a month.  She is here on Tuesdays spending the day and they usually eat dinner with us, too.  But, with the kids wanting her attention and Kamryn too, it is easy for us to not really get a chance to talk about life stuff.  So once a month we're going to go out, and maybe sometimes we'll let our men come too!

We are in the middle of our 6th week of school already!  It's going very well, and like the rest of this year, zooming right along!  We are studying World History using a book by Genevieve Foster called 'The World of Columbus and Sons' and it covers the years of  1451-1539.  We are also studying Botany (Kyle and Sarah are at least).  We started a flower dissection yesterday and will finish it today.  We are learning so much and it's fun!

I'm thinking through my meal planning, and how to prep some things ahead.  I don't really like freezer meals too much, as we like to cook from scratch and enjoy fresh foods, but I am trying to think through making breads and muffins etc, and freezing them and cooking up ground beef and freezing it, that kind of thing.  So on those days we are so busy, it will be easier to pull together a home cooked meal, over getting a pizza or Chinese food.

Oh, Man!  If you are still with me after all this rambling, I thank you.  If you have any tips on meal planning and favorite recipes for quick meals, please pass them along!  I love to learn new things.


Vee said...

Sounds as if you might have read Stephanie's post about freezing meals. I did, too, and found it quite eye opening. We really are not fond of "freezer food" yet she had all those amazing suggestions. Hope that I can start doing some of them.

Yes, I'm confused, but I am perpetually confused. Nothing new! As long as Kamryn isn't. Is there anything more fun than playing in the dirt? She is so cute!

Wonderful idea for a mother/daughter night out. Don't invite the men too often!

All the best with your planning the trip to Florida...

Vee said...

I might have said planting the trip...but you know what I mean unless you are as confused as I am...

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

I love random balloon sightings, what a wonderful way to start the day!

Rebecca said...

Your days sound busy and fun-filled. Glad to hear Tim's mother gets to go home....I spent some time with my mother in hospital last week. She IS home, now...but not sure how much longer my father will be able to care for her. One day at a time.

It's just my husband and me (or is it "I"?) here now, so I use the crock pot a lot and try to be creative with leftovers. I'm thankful he's not a picky eater. It's an "easy" time of life :)

You started in with school quite early, didn't you?

I enjoyed your "chat-iness", by the way.

Lorrie said...

So glad Tim's mom is doing better.

I used to "Cook for the Month" using Mimi Wilson's cookbook. She was in Ecuador for a few years and introduced me to the concept. Saved a lot of time and planning.

I love the idea of a mother/daughter dinner date once a month. Wish my mom lived close enough to do that.

Cheryl said...

I love a chatty post!

I think I followed all the designated names. Does that mean I think like a 3-year-old? :)

I am amazed that your mother-in-law is coming home in such good shape. It seems that God still has a purpose for her here!

I love, love Genevieve Foster's books. Bekah and I will be reading Abraham Lincoln's World this fall. I am so excited for our school to begin next week.

So now my comments are as chatty as your post! ;)

P.S. I have never had an early morning balloon sighting!

I've Been Blogging For How Many Years?!

  Here is what Creekside Cottage looked like when I first started to blog! The picket fence was new and the posts didn't have their tops...