Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Quiet House

Right now my home is quiet.  

Three girls are out shopping for much needed items for their wardrobes - we are going to Florida, after all!

Kyle was making Klingon warships out of Legos a little while ago.  That was quiet.  

The courting couple is sitting quietly talking.  You should have seen her face light up today when he arrived.  Wow.  Things that this Mama is storing up in her heart for sure.

A blog reader wrote to me and said that "I like reading about your family because you seem close and have children who seem very much into walking with God. God willing, it will be us in a few years."  That was such a blessing to me.  We do like each other very much and we worked hard all theirs lives to foster love and care for one another.  We don't do this perfectly and we have children who at times were certain they would never be able to get along with a certain sibling!  But God has given us the desire of our hearts in this, and we are so thankful.  

The quiet is a nice change from earlier today.  Not that it was loud but it was a full day and I am enjoying the chance to sit, read, sip some iced tea, and think.

Tim and I went to breakfast with our pastor, Mike.  We are so blessed to have such a godly, humble man as a friend.  When we got home our friend Denny was here, Rachel made pizza for everyone, Tim and Emma changed the oil on our three vehicles, and rotated the tires on two of them.  Then off to work for Tim, a documentary on YouTube, folding laundry, a nice thunderstorm.

This evening I made a loaf of banana bread for breakfast, using up 2 very ripe bananas.  

I also made trail mix for the trip.

I can only hope it lasts until the trip!  I think I better hide it in my room!

I will leave you with the reality of Autumn decor when you have an 8 year old son...

Some sort of alien has taken up residence on my faux pumpkin.

Have a great weekend!


Vee said...

You have shared the peace in your home so well that I think my blood pressure has dropped. Pleasant dreams and happy trails.

Karen said...

I'm reading along, enjoying hearing about your day, and suddenly burst into laughter...the reality of living with an 8yo boy. Love it!

Thanks for the laughs!

Cheryl said...

Love the reality shot! Love that Kyle! :D

A lovely day with a quiet ending sounds very, very good.

Theresa said...

I enjoy my quiet time early in the mornings and at bedtime:) Otherwise I am a busy lady! Love the creation on the pumpkin! Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

sherry said...

what a sweet (and silly) post, all in one. you're wonderful :)

sherry said...

what a sweet (and silly) post, all in one. you're wonderful :)

Sue said...

I also love reading about your home life, because it is centered around God, and it shines forth in your posts. Wishing you safe travels. I too have two over ripe bananas that need either freezing for smoothies or bread, your looks so delicious, I just might be leaning toward that. ~smile~.
Blessings Sue

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I remember decorations like that when I had a boy at home.

Better that than something that breaths or ummm... crawls. ;)

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