Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Finishing Our School Year

We started our school year in August.  We now have about 20 days left (I could tell you exactly, but I'm too lazy to go look at the log.)  We have finished our history and our science, already.  

I am grateful for the year we've had.  It's been busy and has had it's challenges, but we have not had too many interruptions to our schedule.  

For history we studied what was happening in the world during the years of Abraham Lincoln's life.  It was a fascinating time period.  Queen Victoria is on the throne, many of her children are marrying into other royal families in Europe.  The lines of history were being drawn toward world war.  But than didn't come for nearly 50 more years.

Sarah and Kyle studied Geology and Weather this year.  We've used these books, and they have also kept science journals with notes from what we've studied.

They all have been working on memorizing Hebrews 11.  We are going to verse 16 for this year.  I love hearing them recite this litany of people who walked by faith.  If you read this chapter you will see just how long these individual verses are.  I'm proud of them.

Here is a short video of Kyle reciting.  The video cut off as I have to make space on my phone but it gives you the idea of his memory work.

Rachel has studied an economics book this year and really enjoyed it.  I've been reading through it too, and I have learned so much.

Sarah and Rachel have continued their musical studies as well, with Sarah learning piano (Joseph gives her lessons!) and Rachel studying cello.  They both are doing very well and enjoying it!  Kyle has started learning the recorder with Lindsay.  She bought him one for Christmas.  He doesn't always enjoy it but he says he wants to learn to play the bag pipes, so this is a good place to begin!

I added Kamryn to our school mix this year.  She enjoys doing her preschool workbooks and activities.  She loves puzzles, and hands on activities.

We've been home educating for so many years now, that it is truly a part of our life.  We don't try to duplicate a classroom here at home, but follow more of a discipleship type learning.  We work together on some materials (history, science) and then they work independently on other things like math, reading, and writing.  Of course, I am only a question away if they are in need of help.  I read aloud to them or Tim does, often just because it's a book we want to read, other times it ties in with something we are learning. We are definitely hooked on books around our house!

We are learning about Schubert this year too, listening on Spotify to a lot of his music.  

I like to use this time near the end of the school year to add in some art.  Sarah loves art and sketches and draws all year long.  Kyle and Rachel will do some if I have them do it.  It's not a natural love of theirs.  Kamryn on the other hand loves to do watercolor painting!  

I know I don't talk about the home education aspect of our life here at the cottage but it's a big part.  Our days are fluid and you may find a kid doing math at 9:00am or at 3:00pm, it just depends on what is happening that day.  It also allows the kids to be involved with Tim who is home until 2:00pm.  Sometimes we don't do school work until after he goes to work.  That is okay and a real blessing that they get to do projects with Tim and often get to help others as well.  

Its real life, and we like this aspect of home education especially.


Vee said...

I am sure that learning goes on all year long at your house. The book on economics is very interesting. Chutters may have the longest candy counter filled with "penny candy;" however there is no such thing as candy costing a penny anymore.

Funny thing happened yesterday after visiting here and seeing your "new" sofa. I thought that I might need to ask for some better seating here. Ours is getting so bad that it's nearly crippling. Anyway, my sister stopped by and offered me her new set. Not only that, but she and her husband will bring it to us!

Cheryl said...

It sounds like a stimulating and productive school year! We are huge fans of Genevieve Foster books here at our house. We also love the flexibility of homeschooling...learning all of the time, not necessarily between the hours of 8 am and 3 pm.

Love hearing Kyle recite the Words of Life...hiding God's Word in his heart! What a blessing for a young man to have the opportunity and encouragement to meditate on truth.

Sheree said...

Wish I could have home-schooled my son, but alas... Anyway I have a quick question.. Are you required by law to teach evolution in addition to Creation?

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...