Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sight and Sound Theatres' New Show

They call it a 'Roll Out.'  It's a big event where they showcase their newest show.  Lindsay was going to be riding a horse in a performance scene and we knew we wanted to be there.

The show for 2016 was revealed to be.....


We got to see a few scenes, hear two songs, see some behind the scenes work on the show.

Normally, they want you to turn your phones off but last night we got to take photos!  They are smart!  Free publicity for their next premier show!

After the show we were able to go up on stage and take photos on the Samson statue.  You could 'be' Samson!  A few of us did so.

Here are a few shots of Lindsay in hair, make-up and costume.

Doesn't she look like a fierce Philistine warrior?  She and another animal handler rode through their scene on horseback dropping a net on Samson, trying to capture him!  They were on and off the stage so quickly!  I didn't get a shot of her!

I can say from what we saw last night, that this show is going to be AMAZING!  Start saving your pennies right now, so that you can come and see this show!  By attending the Roll Out last night we each got a free ticket for Samson!  Woo Hoo!

Tickets go on sale in May.  This show will premier in March of 2016!  Here is a link to the media page for Samson.  There are videos here to get a sneak peek at this show!

Until then they have a few weeks left of Moses and then they begin my favorite show (so far) - JOSEPH!  I can't wait to see it again!
Here's the link to the media page for Joseph.

We've enjoyed having our kids work at a place that has the goal of bringing the Good News of the Gospel to life!


Vee said...

Yes! She does look fierce! Maybe just a titch more fierce than her husband! Ha!

Donna said...

Well, it looks like a Fun time you all had!
Like the hair! Fierce or not!

Cheryl said...

What fun to be able to preview the preview!! Since ALL the shows that we have seen have been stellar, I feel certain that this one will be no less.

Lindsay's hair looks like quite the production in itself! It's funny; I saw a video tutorial just the other day of a similar (same?) style and it took a long time to do. In fact, I didn't watch the whole video, but enough to see how it was done.

Theresa said...

Oh I wish I could see that:) I know it will be a wonderful production! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Sue said...

Oh! what an awesome post, I love live theater! Lindsey looks wonderful in her warrior's suit! The smiles show how proud you all are!
I can only imagine, that years from now when the photos are shown what fun you all will have remembering thee special times.Thanks for sharing.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I watched both short videos and must say these productions are amazing! Congratulations on having family involved, your daughter portrays a dedicated Philistine warrior.

podso said...

Now that sounds like a lot of fun. And one of my favorite Bible stories. I am catching up on blog reading--appreciated your previous post too.

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