Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 6, 2015

I Don't Know Where To Begin

What a great week we've had.

Our girl came home and brought friends with her.  They are young, and energetic, or they can be completely relaxed. They all are serious about their relationship with the Lord.  We heard a bit of their life stories last night.  They all have a passion for Him.  

They jumped right into activities here.  Ultimate Frisbee on Wednesday, Sight and Sounds' production of Moses on Thursday, a backstage tour from Lindsay and then a meal with friends.  Friday they all went on a hike with Tim and the kids to House Rock and a cave our gang likes to explore and went to our Good Friday Service.  Driving lessons were given. Saturday they went to a local tourist area for pretzels.  In between all this they studied, worked on a huge timeline project, worked on their Bible memory work, read through Ezra.  Papers were completed.  Lots of good food consumed.  We watched a movie and ate Tim's famous popcorn.  Beautiful music filled our house, as one young man played guitar or piano.

Yesterday, we celebrated the Resurrection.  We had 21 people here, as we were blessed to have Tim's brother and family here, as well as my parents, Joseph and Lindsay, and our guests.

We ate good food, sang, talked, tossed the frisbee around, did an egg hunt.  Emma and Tim started to wrestle a bit, Lindsay joined in, so Tim called Nate in for 'guys against the girls', Sarah joined in, as did Kyle.  Rachel has had a cold, and not felt well, especially this weekend, so she just video'd the whole thing!

Our friend Denny came by last evening to visit.  He loves talking to people.  He's fun too, so there was a lot of laughter, as well.  We all stayed up later than we should have. Emma and company left this morning.  They have a ten hour trip back to Greenville.  They finish classes the week before Mother's Day.

I'm tired, yet energized by this past week.  The sun is shining and it's going to be nearly 70 degrees today!  I'm going to be opening up windows and doors and airing out the house!


Becky K. said...

It was a treat to have Emma's friends with us for both the Good Friday Service and yesterday's events. Glad you had a fun time. Praying that Rachel feels much better soon!

podso said...

A good, good week for you all. And of course you'll be glad to hear they arrive safely back at school later today!

Cranberry Morning said...

Sounds like a fun bunch! And they all have such beautiful teeth! :-) Anyway, glad you had a wonderful Resurrection celebration with joy and laughter.

Vee said...

Deanna, I thought you were the photographer for the family photo because you look like one of the kids! It sounds like such an exciting week culminating with a blessed and beautiful Easter day. I can really tell by seeing the bare feet! =D

Rebecca said...

I'm breathless just READING about your wonderful, busy, happy weekend. Glad so much of it was captured in photographs!

Theresa said...

What a wonderful time with family and friends! Love that group shot:) Enjoy your day dear friend and perhaps rest a bit! HUGS!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...