Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday Morning Chat

Good morning!  Did you all have a nice weekend?

I did.  The weather was cool but beautiful.  Makes it so enjoyable to be outside!

The mowing season has begun here.  This past week I had a jacket and gloves on while mowing - I felt like I was mowing in the autumn instead of spring!  The grass is looking really good, deep green.  We live in the country so we don't try to have a pristine lawn.  As long as its green I'm okay, and I am okay with Dandelions and Wild Violets in the grass as well.

Saturday I took some Murphy's Oil soap to my dining table, our coffee table and side tables.  I think they are happier now, I know I am.  

Also on Saturday, being the spontaneous kind of girl that I am, I decided I did want to go see Chonda Pierce at a local church THAT evening.  So I called my Mama, and she wanted to go too.  I got online, ordered tickets, printed them off and two hours later we were on our way!  We met up with some ladies from my church.  

What an amazing woman, Chonda is.  I'd never seen her in person, and it was such a great night.  We laughed, we cried, we all want to be her friend.  Becky said the same thing this morning!  Chonda is real, people.  She has had such a difficult life.  But she allows God to lead her through it and is such a testimony to God's faithfulness.  

Sunday was a good day too.  Sunday School, Worship, and then we went to lunch with friends.  That doesn't happen often, the eating out with friends part.  We went to a local restaurant, and the 16 of us sat at three tables.  One kid table, one older kid table, one adult table.  The kids are all so well behaved and they laughed together and ate pizza while we grown ups enjoyed our lunch.  Then we came back here to the Cottage.  The kids played in the creek and got muddy and they rode horses, and we enjoyed the sunshine, and good conversation and just a relaxed day.  

I'm feeling quite refreshed, and am so thankful for good fellowship.

This is our last week of school.  Friday, we hit our 180th day.  Of course we live a lifestyle of learning, but the formal part will be done until August.  I'm so proud of my kids, they've had such a good year.

What did you do this weekend?


Donna said...

Hubby mowed and I cleaned and did laundry...not fun!
Sounds like you had a really nice weekend!

Sherry said...

saturday evening we returned from a SoCal visit... once everything was taken care of (suitcases emptied, dog tended and hugged) i promptly fell asleep on the couch. wink.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It is cold here but at least it is dry and sunny. I'm going to get out to the garden and do some hoeing while the ground Is damp!

Vee said...

Cold, rainy, snow showers on Saturday, not much good to report in the weather department.

I wondered if you and your mom had been able to go see Chondra when I read Becky's post this monning. So glad that you are a spontaneous gal!

Theresa said...

I enjoyed Church yesterday and the bridal shower on Saturday:) It was a great weekend and I feel refreshed also! Enjoy your week dear friend, loved all of your pictures! HUGS!

Rebecca said...

I like that "lifestyle of learning" concept :)
I can't think as far back as Saturday, but Sunday morning was filled with music practice, Sunday School and worship service. Then dinner with a friend at local restaurant, and I was on my way to relieve my father and be with my mother. First the three of us sang as I played the organ in the hall outside Mother's Unit. Then she and I enjoyed a cookie and conversation with a few other residents. Later, we harmonized with same residents as the nurse played the piano.... When a few residents got restless, I went to the activity closet and got out a large balloon and stood in the center tossing the balloon gently to each one who in turn tapped it back to me. Mother isn't quite so able, but enjoys watching. When she got restless, I went to the piano and softly played some 20's-40's music while the balloon tossing continued until dinner time. I stayed to feed Mother before going to Dad's condo. The two of us went to Dairy Queen where he enjoyed a sandwich and I ordered a mini salted caramel truffle Blizzard. A 93-year-old friend who recently lost his wife came while we were eating and we invited him to share our table. The hour trip home was pleasant. I arrived home as the sky became dark and was soon stretched out beside my husband in bed. He finished a book. I feel asleep.

Sue said...

Though it's Wednesday morning, I enjoyed your Monday chat, I have never met Chonda either, but have watched videos, and you are so right she has had some difficult situations, and am amazed at how she has been able to deal with them.
It has been cool here too, but workable with layers of clothes,though once I get to moving the layers come off, ~smile~
I always enjoy reading about the fellowship you have with your church members, reminds me of the churches in the book of Acts, they met for spiritual renewal, fellowship and food, I am a strong believer that this makes for a great church!
Thanks for sharing,

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...