Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Time Flies

We use the phrase "Time flies, when you're having fun" around here  a lot.  I guess we must have A LOT of fun because time surely does zip by around here.

Emma arrived home Monday evening.  A friend from school rode up with her and left yesterday afternoon to go to family in New Jersey.  He'll fly home soon to Peru.  Yesterday we took him to visit our Amish friends.  They are gracious hosts, and love to meet people from different countries.  We took Emma's roommate, who is from Mongolia, and another friend, who is Brazilian but grew up in Japan, to visit them just after the new year.  Edher, our Peruvian friend, heard about our that visit and wanted to meet them too.  Then Emma and the girls took him to meet Lindsay and have a tour at Sight and Sound, before he caught his train.

So here we find ourselves on Wednesday already!  She and I are going to breakfast then I will take Rachel to cello and I need some groceries!  We were at our homeschool convention on my usual shopping day, and I haven't made it to the store yet!  We have lots of meat in the freezer but not much else.  Makes for interesting meals!  Actually we just ordered pizza yesterday because with everyone coming and going it was easier.

I'm savoring every moment of this life I lead.  

How about you?


Vee said...

Oh I love the life you lead, too!

I hope that you take a photo of breakfast. We used to go out for breakfast often, but have not done for months. It might be time!

Lee Ann said...

You guys stay busy. I love how your home is open to friends and family. DH and I will be in Lititz in June. We are staying at a bed and breakfast. We have the opportunity to visit an Amish family for dinner. I want to do it but a bit apprehensive because I dont' want to offend them. Any suggestions?

Blessings to you and your family.

Estelle's said...

I adore your header Deanna! You certainly have SO many friends and activites right now! Seems like a very blessed life! Enjoy!!!

podso said...

Enjoy having Emma home.

Simple Home said...

Aw, the busyness of life! It sounds like yours is very good this week. I would love to visit and Amish home sometime. The Amish have intrigued me all of my life. Have a blessed day my friend!

Terra said...

Time does fly, and you have been a busy bee.

Cheryl said...

Sounds like good times! Even the grocery shopping. :) I used to hate grocery shopping, but I have learned to, well...maybe not love it, but at least make the best of it and be grateful that I have the means to shop and prepare food for my family.

I hear you about the time flying! Indeed it does!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Terra, I think I am always a busy bee! Makes me thankful for the quiet days!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

If you come visit Lancaster sometime, I'll introduce you to our friends!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...